Ready to learn what podcasts people in the podcasting industry listen to when they aren't working on their own sh*t? Join us at Chatting Over Chowder where two minority women who own a podcast management business talk to OTHER women in the podcasting industry about what podcasts they are listening to....while eating chowder (or soup).
Mar 08, 2022
If you are a woman in this podcasting space and you don't know who Elsie Escobar is SHAME ONE YOU! Elsie humbly says she is a podcasting advocate, pundit and mentor to primarily women podcaster leaders. She has a driving dialogue in the podcasting industry focusing on podcasts’ impact on society, and culture as well as their power to drive social change. She is definitely all these things but this does not do her justice so we are going to brag on behalf of her! Elsie is one half of the podcast, She Podcasts, inductee to the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame, Community Manager and Podcaster Relations for our favorite podcast hosting station Libsyn and if that isn't enough....she is an actress credited in movies such as Orange County and Pumpkin! And like a million others in this community, we love her! Join us as chat with Elsie about: How Elsie began podcasting Her connection to the very first interview show of Podcasting, podCast 411 The importance of reaching out to podcast hosts Immigrants and podcasting Tech Podcasts and Automations making life better Podcasting while having ADHD Tools to help in podcasting Honorable Mentions Relay FM Mercury Retrograde Launching Your Podcast in 2022 #CLAIMPODPARITY Where can you find Elsie Escobar: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elsieescobar/ http://twitter.com/theelsieescobar http://instagram.com/theelsieescobar https://elsieescobar.com/ https://supersquad.shepodcasts.com/ Podcasts that Elsie Recommends: Automators https://www.relay.fm/automators ADHD for Smart Ass Women https://www.tracyotsuka.com/podcasts/ *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Feb 22, 2022
Podcasting is more than a conversation. It is about highlighting and bringing people's stories to the table. And that is what Michelle Jackson aka Mimi Jacks loves most about podcasting. Mimi Jacks is the host of the MProper Mimi Podcast where she talks about empowering women at Home, Work and Play. Going into the 3rd year of podcasting, Mimi Jacks loves to share stories of the amazing women she has come in contact with as well as embracing the freedom of saying whatever is on her mind at the time! Join our chat as we discuss: Loving your podcast Bringing your family into entrepreneur work Planning podcast discussions The importance of boundaries ASMR - soup slurping Food Porn Muddled Drinks Honorable Mentions Black Podcasters Association Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear Let The World See Where can you find Mimi Jackson: https://www.mpropermimi.com/ https://www.instagram.com/mpropermimi/ https://www.facebook.com/MProperMimi/ https://twitter.com/MproperMimi Podcasts that Mimi Recommends - Girl Trek Black Women History Bootcamp - Scam Goddess, Earwolf and Laci Mosley We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Feb 07, 2022
WE ARE BACK!!!!! We cannot wait to introduce you to all of the stunning women we are talking to this season. From app creators to Podcasting royalty, the women we have given soup to in Season 3 deserve every delicious morsel! But today, it's just Sharoline and I talking sans soup! Because we always forget to get soup for just ourselves! Join our chat as we discuss: Saying we are an award winning podcast Why we are planning a trip to Bermuda Our podcast merch Trademarking our podcast Spotify issues Apple Reviews and listeners choosing violence Season 3 underway She Podcast Live, 2022 Season 4: Chatting Over Tequila We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Dec 20, 2021
It has been a crazy few weeks but Sharoline and I finally got to record our Season 2 wrap up. As you can tell in the first 3 minutes, our brains are exhausted and confuzzled from all that we have done in 2021 but we still got this recording DONE because we love you all and we do not believe in podfade! Join our chat as we discuss: How we won a podcasting award The realization we only began Chatting Over Chowder this year The phenomenal women we have had on Season 2! How we give our guests an exceptional experience Our connection to Oprah and the Vice President Podcast and Sponsorship alignment We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Our guests receive soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts , on our website, or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Nov 22, 2021
When your product ends up at the White House in a picture with the first female multi-raced Vice President, you know you have something special. Spoonful of Comfort is a women founded and owned gourmet soup delivery company that believes: "If you can’t mail a hug, this is the next best thing". After sending almost all of our guests Spoonful of Comfort as well as our own family members, friends, acquaintances and imbibing great quantities of Spoonful of Comfort ourselves, Sharoline and I ABSOLUTELY agree they send care (and deliciousness) through the mail. We are so humbled and honored to speak with Anne Cummings, the Business Development and Strategic Partnership Director of Spoonful of Comfort! Thank you, Anne for always being so kind, funny, smart and willing to engage with our tom-foolery! Everyone get your ears ready to meet a representative of our sponsor: Anne Cummings of Spoonful of Comfort!!! Join us as we chat about: Why Marti Wymer created Spoonful of Comfort The experience of the product being as important as the product How to get a podcast sponsor with no listeners The importance of branding Apple vs Spotify What do Sponsors look for Chatting over Chowder discount code: CrackersInSoup2 How to curate a sponsor relationship Where can you find Spoonful of Comfort: Email: Anne@spoonfulofcomfort.com website: https://www.spoonfulofcomfort.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/spoonfulofcomfort/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/spoonfulofcomfort/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spoonfulofcomfort Podcasts that Anne recommends: Armchair Expert with Dax Shaperd Super Soul Sunday Honorable Mentions Marti Wymer, Founder of Spoonful of Comfort YouTube Spoonful of Comfort -Shark Tank 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Nov 08, 2021
We are so excited that Dalia Kinsey is joining us today on Chatting Over Chowder! Dalia and I met when I was offered an opportunity to cohost a Clubhouse with them for WOC Podcasters. Since the first time we chatted, I knew I wanted to have them on the show! Before we begin, things you should know: Dalia's voice is BUTTER! Secondly, they have a new book that you should purchase immediate: Decolonizing Wellness. Now, let's get to the chatting. Join us as we chat about: How a 7 year old child has the sales skills we all need Sharoline had the entrepreneur spirit for design since she was a wee lass Dalia's very early experience with audio How they accidentally was drawing the wrong people into their space Responding to trauma in the workforce Why everyone needs to know Race isn't real The different aspects of being black in this country Where you can find Dalia: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daliakinseyrd/ Website: https://www.daliakinsey.com/links Podcast: Body Liberation for All Book: Decolonizing Wellness Free Guide Decode Your Hunger Podcasts that Dalia recommends: Couples Therapy Nosy Neighbors 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Nov 04, 2021
I am so excited and honored to feature my Shelter in Place episode on the Chatting Over Chowder platform. The Kasama Collective is storytelling training intensive that I was chosen for in August. This program was created by Nate & Laura Davis of Shelter in Place Podcast. In this program, our collective learns how to craft stories, write scripts, create sound designs and so much more! Each team member gets to create a podcast with the season theme in mind. This season it is home. Listen to my episode that speaks about love languages, relationships and how The Princess Bride fits into ALL.OF.IT! Podcast Recommendations: Shelter In Place 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Oct 25, 2021
Porsha Williams Gates should be the most nose stuck up in the air, bougie, you need to speak to their agent to get ahold of them type of person! Except, NOPE! Porsha is the most down to earth lovely soul being you can ever meet! Their laugh fills your whole heart and envelopes you with love. If you don't know, Porsha Williams Gates is the founder and CEO of Porshanality Media, LLC. Porshanality Media is a podcast production house dedicated to the mission of amplifying the collective sound of humanity. She is the host of Amplify Humanity and Doing It Different Podcasts and the Porshanality Podcast. She is also the co-host of Just2 Pearls Podcast and God’s Got Jokes Podcast. Oh and she also is part of Lift Every Voice—an Oprah Daily, Hearst Magazines, and Porshanality Media production in partnership with Lexus—that documents the wisdom and life experiences from the oldest generation of Black Americans. Like, DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! She's amazing! Join us as we chat about: SAT words What podcasting means to Porsha and why she got into it How her family played a major part in her podcasting success Why she considers audio a sacred experience The SHOCKING NEWS she dropped on Chatting Over Chowder The rawest moment on Chatting Over Chowder to date Yoni steaming The party involving BOB Honorable Mentions Making The Band - The Cheesecake Clip Porsha Services and Offerings Where you can find Porsha: Me: @porshanality everywhere or search Porsha Williams Gates Porshanality Media: @porshanlitymedia on IG, FB, Linked In, Pinterest, YouTube. Websites: www.justporsha.com and www.porshanality.com Podcast: Amplify Humanity wherever you get your podcasts and a direct link: https://www.spreaker.com/show/amplify-humanity Podcasts that Porsha recommends: Sensual Faith Super Soul Lift Every Voice 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Oct 11, 2021
Jess Williams is used to getting barked at by her clients! Since the age of 3, Jess has surrounded herself with dogs and has truly loved every moment of it. She has been competing and performing with her dogs for over 15 years. She has performed with her dogs at state fairs, theme parks, halftime shows, and theatre productions all across the nation as well as overseas. In 2008, Jess even appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show as an advocate of animal welfare. Jess and her husband, Scott, are almost on their hundredth episode of their very own podcast, The Quirky Dog. Scott and Jess also collaborate on in person training together to give their clients the best results possible. Join us as we chat about: When Jess was on Oprah! Sharoline's mad dog skills when it comes to home training her dogs Using your podcast to enhance your company Jess's advice when it comes to Covid pups Advice in regards to crating your dog to reduce anxiety Where you can find Jess: Website: https://caninehealing.com/ Instagram: @caninehealing @thequirkydogpodcast Podcast: The Quirky Dog Currently promoting: caninemindshift.com (free course) Podcasts that Jess recommends: Shaped by Dog Buddhist Boot Camp 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Oct 04, 2021
Today, we have an exceptional guest. Someone we’ve shared history with and holds a special place in our hearts: Mz Ronni Hill! Ronni is a full-service podcast manager + podcast systems creator for female visionaries + CEOs. Since starting her self-named business (Ronni Hill) in 2018, she’s transitioned from all-around virtual assistant, to social media manager, to Facebook ads manager, to podcasting & the culmination of her experiences are clearly represented in her services. In today’s episode we will be talking about Ronni’s professional journey (including when she had the pleasure of working with us!!!) and how losing a loved one led her to find her own way. We will also be discussing technical software’s which might be of great insight if you’re looking to join the podcasting world. Join us as we chat about: Ronni’s journey through Social Media Management to Podcasting Why 2020 was one of the hardest years for her, but also a year that led her to figure out what she wanted in life What makes Ronni a professional all companies want to keep (guilty!!!) Professional systems she uses as a podcast manager Why client relationship is crucial in this business Where you can find Ronni: Website: https://www.ronnihill.com/ Instagram: @ronnihill Facebook: @ronnihillpodcastmanagement Currently promoting: Podcast Management Services + VIP DAY: Podcasting Systems https://ronnihill.com/ourservices Podcasts that Ronni recommends: Small Doses with Amanda Seales https://starburns.audio/podcasts/small-doses-with-amanda-seales/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/small-doses-with-amanda-seales/id1333316223 2nd and 3rd choice: Wholehearted Coaching: The Podcast & The Podcast Manager Show https://www.wholehearted-coaching.com/podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wholehearted-coaching-the-podcast/id1499550920 https://laurenwrighton.com/podcast/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-podcast-manager-show/id1523128321 ????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Sep 27, 2021
We've heard of multitaskers before, but nothing like what you're about to hear with Kanika Chadda Gupta! Today we will be speaking about how Oprah (amongst others) were the true motivation behind Kanika's career choice and all that's she's been able to conquer after that. Kanika is a CNN television anchor turned entrepreneur, podcaster, wife, and mom of three [twins + 1], Kanika Chadda-Gupta, invites guests to share their 'mom sense' experiences and dig deep on topics like what to expect when you're done expecting, rediscovering your identity after kids, teaching children to meditate, rekindling your marriage, and dividing up the workload at home. Join us as we chat about: Kanika's history in podcasting How she managed to have soup in her freezer for months and not eat it Her experience working with Slumdog Millionaire and the impact it made on her Her 3 pillars for a podcast: Informative, Engaging and Inclusive The community she's built through her podcast That's Total Mom Sense Why she tries to shed life on people's stories in a holistic way, without any taboos! Podcasts that Kanika recommends: 1. The Michelle Obama Podcast 2. Beyond the Beauty with Bobbi Brown Where you can find Kanika: Website Podcast Instagram: @kanikachaddagupta Twitter: @kanikachadda Facebook: @kanikachaddagupta YouTube: @Kanika Chadda Gupta Honorable Mentions Kanika does not have her candles out yet but write a review in the month of October for Chatting Over Chowder and you will be put into a raffle to win a "That's Total Mom Sense" Mug!! AmritaSingh.com - use "momsense50" as your discount code for 50% off your purchase! ??????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ??????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ??????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Sep 20, 2021
Fit Phat Chat is a a fun, sassy, non-pc, REAL talk, community podcast about movement, mindfulness, body positivity, joy, health and being well... for EVERY.BODY and we had the pleasure of speaking with one of the cohosts and creator Ayanna Parrent! Not only does she speak on her podcast about inclusion and using yoga for recovery, she also created B Free Coaching Wellness center which is a community that transforms people’s lives by providing free or low cost services including movement, mindfulness, and coaching programs to those whose lives have been affected by trauma, addiction and oppression. How do we get this woman canonized for sainthood? Join us as we chat about: How Ayanna's addiction led her to movement and mindfulness Why Western civilization is doing yoga ALL WRONG Sitting in the discomfort of your thoughts The benefit of having conversations in the thought process of BOTH/AND The importance of having representation in your well-being care Podcasts that Ayanna recommends: Brene Brown unlocking us Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Tell us Something True Where you can find Ayanna: website: https://www.bfreewell.com/ Instagram: AyannaParrent Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bfreewell Honorable Mention Becoming Free: A Memoir by Ayanna Parrent ???????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ???????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ???????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Sep 13, 2021
Do you believe photos and podcasting are interconnected? What if I told you they have more in common than you think! Join us as we speak to Damaly Shepherd, a published photographer and writer whose mission in life is to help women OWN IT on or off camera. From making people feel beautiful to making them feel heard, if you are creative, this is the conversation for you! Join us as we chat about: The importance of the know, like, trust factor in your brand Why a professional photo legitimizes you in your podcast so much faster Your photo in podcasting cover art Why knowing who you are is so important before you step in front of the camera Podcasts that Damaly recommends: Simone Seoul's podcast: https://www.simonegraceseol.com/podcast/belief-plan Nice White Parents https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/30/podcasts/nice-white-parents-serial.html Where you can find Damaly: website: www.damalyshepherd.com Instagram: bydamaly Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pbdamaly/ Honorable Mention Join WOC Insiders Membership ????????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ?????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ?????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Sep 06, 2021
As a sufferer of anxiety all of my life, our guest this week speaks to my soul! Sarah Kerlin is the host of the podcast 'Anxious AF,' where she and her guests discuss their experiences with anxiety. She is also the writer & director of the YouTube series, 'Film Life Rules', which helps film production newcomers learn the basics of what they'll need to know on set. In a former life, she worked in production on countless independent films and reality singing competitions. She is currently developing more podcasts and continuing on the never-ending journey to find fulfillment and happiness. Join us as we chat about: How Sarah got into podcasting and what happened when she went to open mic in New York Creating a brand out of being anxious Setting boundaries on what tasks you can fulfill in a day Connecting through our stories The weird side effect of online dating while having a podcast Themes for podcast seasons Podcasts that Sarah recommends: The Read - thisistheread.com Keep It! - https://crooked.com/podcast-series/keep-it/ - Where you can find Sarah: instagram.com/sarahkerlin instagram.com/anxiousafshow youtube.com/filmliferules facebook.com/anxiousafshow https://twitter.com/skersinshambles Sarah's podcast: anxiousafshow.com ???????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Aug 30, 2021
Latrice Sampson Richards is dynamic, amazing and HYSTERICAL! No wonder every podcasting network is trying to get her on their employee roster! Latrice Sampson Richards, LPC-S, CLC is a Mental and Emotional Wellness Creative, Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (Louisiana), Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Florida), and Certified Life-Enhancement Coach. She is the host of Unicorns Talk Podcast, and serves as the Lead Event Consultant for the Afros & Audio Podcast Festival. She is a producer for the Vanguard Podcast Network, and project manager for ABF Creative, a 2021 Webby Award winning podcast production house. Join us as we chat about: Why Latrice strapped her soup into a seat with a seatbelt; How she got from "I hated my voice" to "I'm a damn good podcaster" The importance of her using her therapist transferable skills to assist other podcasters The necessity of finding your people in the podcasting journey The power of people believing in you How you never know who is listening to you Podcasts that Latrice recommends: The Read - thisistheread.com The Hidden Brain - hiddenbrain.org Where you can find Latrice: Instagram - @latricesampsonrichards @afrosandaudio Latrice's Podcast Unicorns Talk Podcast Web - 3rd Annual Afros & Audio Virtual Podcast Festival: Afrosandaudio.com November 13-14, 2021 ????????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ?????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ?????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Aug 23, 2021
Get your utensils out and be ready to dive your teeth into this episode!! From soul sounds to foods, we bring to you Suzy Chase!! Suzy Chase is a podcasting pioneer who started way back in 2005 with her podcast http://thegrooveradio.com/, the longest running soul music podcast. Her second podcast, http://cookerybythebook.com/, the #1 cookbook podcast, started in 2015 and created the cookbook niche in the food podcast space. Suzy recently launched https://withkoji.com/@SuzyChase a podcast course + coaching to share her 16 years of tips, tricks, & truth bombs to help other podcasters launch or grow. If you love bonding over food and R&B music, this is YOUR episode! Listen right now for all the amazing comfort Suzy brings! Join us as we chat about: Suzy Chase’s journey of podcasting since 2005 Creating a brand new podcast niche that wasn’t heard of in the podcasting industry Passing down cultural foods to loved ones through traditional family cooking How important it is to represent the younger generation by being who you are Podcasts that Suzy recommends: Helga- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1174524789 On Being- https://onbeing.org/series/podcast/ Where you can find Suzy: The Pod Process Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepodprocess/ The Groove Radio Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegrooveradio/ Cookery Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cookerybythebook/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamsuzychase Website: http://cookerybythebook.com/ PROMO: https://withkoji.com/@SuzyChase Honorable Mentions Debarge Tevin Cambpell Pass the Mic with DJ Cassidy Julia and Julie ????????????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder ????????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ????????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Aug 16, 2021
Get your pen! Get your paper! Get a glass of water or wine! Tell your family you are going on "Do Not Disturb" for 60 minutes because this conversation needs your FULL attention! SharRon Jamison, MBA is a life strategist, author, minister, entrepreneur, and corporate leader who is committed to helping you BE who you were born to be, and not settle for what society has taught and told you to be. Through her coaching programs, books, sister circles, and speaking events, she passionately challenges people to shed societal “shoulds” and outdated beliefs so they can SOAR higher in their personal and professional lives. If you are struggling with YOUR narrative as a podcaster, THIS IS THE EPISODE YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO RIGHT NOW. Join us as we chat about: The importance of being yourself; Why SharRon believes every culture has the piece of the puzzle she needs; The necessity of women of color learning to support each other without judgement; The importance of minority women in the podcasting industry Podcasts that SharRon recommends: Dr. Thema: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-homecoming-podcast-with-dr-thema/id1471604689 Pass the Mic: The Witness https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pass-the-mic/id1435500798 Where can you find SharRon: Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sharronjamison Twitter: https://twitter.com/SharRonJamison Professional Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaretoSoarHigher Youtube: http://bit.ly/SharRonYoutube SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-84949278 PROMO: https://www.decidingtosoar.com/ycdoy Book: Deciding to Soar 2: Unwrapping Your Purpose + Reflection Guide https://www.decidingtosoar.com/ ????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive...especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo - Chatting Over Chowder ?????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup2 at checkout to receive 15% off!! ?????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Aug 09, 2021
Full Disclosure: Juliana Pedri is one of my favorite people....and she is part of Team Crackers In Soup! Juliana is the type of person that makes you feel warm, cozy and loved! This woman is literally a physical manifestation of soup!!! Juliana is a podcast manager/producer that resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. She has found her love of podcasting through her sister, Jillian, who introduced her to shows like, “My Favorite Murder”, “Dolly Parton’s America”, and so much more. From these podcasts, she went down a rabbit hole of all things podcasting. From being an active listener to a full time podcast manager, she now launches new podcasts and manages top ones. Listen as we chat about: How being differently abled is her superpower What made her want to be a podcast manager Why you can and SHOULD switch it up in your podcast The importance of continuing your podcast journey even if you have imposter syndrome Honorable Mentions Dolly Parton's America Understanding Auditory Processing Disorder What's That Podcast Podcasts that Juliana recommends: The Sesh Podcast SimplyPodLogical Where can you find Juliana: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsjulianapedri/ Website: http://www.julianapedripodcasts.com/ Juliana's Etsy account ????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive...especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo - Chatting Over Chowder ?????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup at checkout to receive 15% off!! ?????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Aug 02, 2021
Welcome back to Season 2 of Chatting Over Chowder!! In this episode, we sit down and share our excitement for our upcoming guests in this season. I can’t express enough how much I love each and every one of them and how important they are in the podcasting community. Each guest brings a uniqueness that each episode will leave you inspired and wanting to know more. So grab a spoon, some soup, and let’s dive into season two! Join us as we chat about: The bomb ass woman and content that’s coming your way Reminiscing about where we started to where we are now How each guest is unique in their own way ????????????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive...especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo - Chatting Over Chowder ?????????????????? This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. Today’s guest received the soup from Spoonful of Comfort! Spoonful of Comfort is the perfect way to send love to friends and family. Use discount code: CrackersinSoup at checkout to receive 15% off!! ?????????????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production
Jul 26, 2021
Only 7 more days until Chatting Over Chowder is back with a brand new episode. However, today we are featuring one of our former guest’s podcast. In a world where black women are often underrepresented and misunderstood, we need more safe spaces to just… be. Every Friday, join Dr. Dominique Broussard, a college professor and psychologist, and Terri Lomax, a techie and motivational speaker, as they initiate authentic conversations on everything from fibroids to fake friends. Didn’t get a chance to listen to our interview with Terri Lomax? Listen here: https://crackersinsoup.com/2021/01/31/vicariously-learning-lessons-with-terri-lomax/ Follow Terri Lomax and Cultivating HER Space on Instagram @terrilomax and @herspacepodcast. ?????????? We love our guests and our listeners but podcasting can be expensive…especially when you are buying everyone soup! In order to keep maintaining the level of love we send to our guests, we would be so honored if you showed US some love! How? Glad you asked! Bisque Please tell us how we can help support Chatting Over Chowder? Purchase one or 12 of our “Bisque Please” t-shirts!!! Buy Us a Coffee Venmo – Chatting Over Chowder This episode is sponsored by Crackers In Soup! Crackers In Soup is a minority women owned podcast management company dedicated to helping you up level your podcast! We provide time and freedom while you use your voice to showcase your expertise. ?????????? We would love to know what you slurped up in this episode!! *Connect with us on Instagram at @ChattingOverChowder *Check out our website *Take a look at the behind the scenes tomfoolery on YouTube *Subscribe to “Chatting Over Chowder” ! Loving what you are hearing at Chatting Over Chowder? Have you listened to the podcasts featured? Make sure you subscribe and leave a 5 STAR – Review at Apple’s Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcasts! Song Credits: Shine on You featuring Gloria Tells Chatting Over Chowder is a Crackers In Soup Production