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The Meditation of Communication with Colleen Santini
The Meditation of Communication with Colleen Santini

The Meditation of Communication with Colleen Santini

Quote: "If you don't know who you are, every time you go the therapy, you start from scratch. This process deidentifies you from who you think you are." Colleen Santini Have you ever tried to meditate? Were you able to calm your mind and relax, or do you find it a bit harder to settle into a meditative state? Do you know the benefits of meditation and how it can help you and your team in a corporate setting? On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we are fortunate to have Meditation Expert Colleen Santini join us to share her ideas about how meditation can help provide a more productive environment for your team. Colleen trained for over ten years in Australia, California, Toronto, and Vancouver in Group Management, Retreat Facilitation, Shamanic Studies, Private Session Protocol and Public Speaking. She also trained as a professional actor and later went on to join Toastmasters and CAPS for more specific training in public speaking. Authentic Touch Points: Colleen’s journey. 2:00 What happens when you meditate? 7:00 Create the space to let go. 11:00 Training your meditation muscle. 16:00 The benefits of meditation. 20:00 Keeping your team happy. 25:00 The communication cycle. 27:00 Colleen believes that taking care of an intentional workplace environment is a cornerstone in creating a safe and motivating space for a productive workforce inspired by their work's vision. Her mission is to help businesses create an inspired, effective, and happy workforce by holding and maintaining an exceptional intentional workplace environment. As we move toward reopening workspaces and gathering again, I encourage leaders to reach out for guidance about presenting their authentic self to develop an improved workplace for everyone with less conflict as I offer executive coaching.  Click here to contact me at your convenience, or click here to Chat with Roxanne! Take our online quiz to rate your authenticity as a leader! Stay Authentic,   Roxanne Links: Colleen’s website Colleen's email: soultrektransformation@gmail.com Colleen’s LinkedIn profile Roxanne's LinkedIn profile Roxanne’s email: roxanne@roxannederhodge.com Chat with RoxanneRoxanne’s previous podcasts        

The Meditation of Communication with Colleen Santini

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