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Invisible Disabilities, Accessibility and the ROR: Return On Relationships with Denis Boudreau
Invisible Disabilities, Accessibility and the ROR: Return On Relationships with Denis Boudreau

Invisible Disabilities, Accessibility and the ROR: Return On Relationships with Denis Boudreau

Quote: “Each time we step in front of an audience, we leave money on the table, and we leave people behind, if we’re not acutely aware of the needs of audience members with disabilities.” Denis Boudreau Are you doing all that you can to ensure that everyone has the same accessibility to your business, your website, and your presentations? Are you aware of all the different invisible disabilities that you need to take into consideration? On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we’re thrilled to welcome accessibility expert, Denis Boudreau to share his vast knowledge on how you can create a culture of inclusion for everyone. Denis is a consultant, trainer, coach, and speaker, specializing in helping organizations create truly inclusive digital experiences for everyone, including people marginalized by technology due to disabilities, ageing, or other circumstances. His mission is to empower people to truly connect with organizations, their brands, and the messages they convey. Authentic Touch Points: Denis’ path to inclusivity. 1:30 We still have a long way to go. 5:30 Is your website accessible? 10:00 Most apps were created for accessibility. 16:00 Who are you leaving behind? 20:00 The Inclusive Speaker. 26:00 What leaders should consider. 30:00 Denis is a Certified Virtual Presenter, a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC), a Certified Web Accessibility Specialist (CWAS), and a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a designation that only about 300 consultants worldwide can claim. As one of Canada’s top inclusive communications experts, Denis empowers busy professionals with powerful tools to communicate more inclusively with their audiences, by removing the barriers that can get in the way of up to 40% of their audience who struggle with our use of technology – including those who have disabilities or are simply getting older. As I offer executive coaching, I encourage leaders to reach out for guidance about presenting their authentic selves to develop an improved workplace for everyone with less conflict. I welcome you to book a complimentary discovery call: https://roxannederhodge.com/chat/ and take our online quiz to rate your authenticity as a leader: https://roxannederhodge.com/quiz  Stay Authentic, Roxanne Links: Denis’ website: https://inklusiv.ca/ Denis’ new book: https://inklusiv.ca/books/ While you’re on Denis’ book page, be sure to check out the Inclusive Speaker Calculator to calculate how much money you’re leaving on the table by not being inclusive. Denis has a vast offering of resources to help you become more accessible and inclusive. Denis’ LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dboudreau/ Roxanne’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roxannederhodge/ Roxanne’s email: roxanne@roxannederhodge.com 

Invisible Disabilities, Accessibility and the ROR: Return On Relationships with Denis Boudreau

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