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Functional Medicine and the ROR: Return on Relationships  with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum
Functional Medicine and the ROR: Return on Relationships  with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

Functional Medicine and the ROR: Return on Relationships with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

Quote: “Often people don’t realize that the gut is your second brain. It’s probably more important in terms of driving as the decision maker.” Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum Functional medicine is a more patient-centred approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying the cause of the disease and not just treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals. It looks at the patient’s history and gathers information to try to find the underlying cause of the illness. Functional medicine is, thankfully, becoming much more mainstream. On this episode of Authentic Living with Roxanne, we welcome Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum to share her experience and thoughts on why functional medicine is a better solution for combating chronic disease and lowering healthcare costs.   This was such a great interview packed with so much interesting information that we decided to turn it into a 2-part series. Be sure to tune in again next week for part II. Sandra has been a licensed clinical psychologist for over 35 years and is passionate about transforming healthcare by training health coaches to integrate the positive psychology model of coaching with the Functional Medicine approach to reversing chronic illness.  She founded the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine. Authentic Touch Points: Sandra’s path to healthcare: 2:00 The holes in traditional healthcare: 7:00 Diet and mental health & wellbeing: 13:00 The divide between functional and western medicine: 19:00 Sandra taught graduate-level courses in the psychology of eating and mind-body medicine, ran clinics for treating attention deficit disorders, panic and anxiety, and conducted one of the first controlled studies of neurofeedback. She is an IFM Certified Practitioner and the author of Functional Medicine Coaching, Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps, and How to Give Clients the Skills to Stop Panic Attacks.   As I offer executive coaching, I encourage leaders to reach out for guidance about presenting their authentic selves to develop an improved workplace for everyone with less conflict. I welcome you to click here to book a complimentary discovery call! Take our online quiz to rate your authenticity as a leader! Stay Authentic, Roxanne Links: The Institute for Functional Medicine: https://www.ifm.org/ Sandra’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-scheinbaum-ph-d-17ba678/ Sandra’s books: Canada  US Roxanne’s LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roxannederhodge/  Roxanne’s email: roxanne@roxannederhodge.com Chat with Roxanne: https://roxannederhodge.com/chat/  Roxanne’s previous podcasts: https://roxannederhodge.com/blog/  

Functional Medicine and the ROR: Return on Relationships with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

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