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Building Generational Wealth and Money Mindset with Multifaceted Entrepreneur, Taylur Avery, MBA"
Building Generational Wealth and Money Mindset with Multifaceted Entrepreneur, Taylur Avery, MBA"

Building Generational Wealth and Money Mindset with Multifaceted Entrepreneur, Taylur Avery, MBA"

Let's normalize talking about MONEY! because it does matter. In this episode, we have guest, Taylur Avery, MBA, also known as the "9-5 Entrepreneur", share more about her journey in building generational wealth through education, investing, entrepreneurship, and more.  We discuss...What goes into generational wealth building beyond the money Taylur's non-profit, Financial Literacy for People of Color, and how it supports communities with education and empowerment from a young age The language and mindset around money -> our relationship with moneyand more"When you hear 'generational wealth', it's not just about the money; it's about the knowledge and physical access that we can give to the generations after us." 

Building Generational Wealth and Money Mindset with Multifaceted Entrepreneur, Taylur Avery, MBA"

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