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Self-Acceptance and Authenticity with JaNiene Peoples, MS, CHES
Self-Acceptance and Authenticity with JaNiene Peoples, MS, CHES

Self-Acceptance and Authenticity with JaNiene Peoples, MS, CHES

Let's hear it for showing up for each other & OURSELVES! In this episode, Christina and guest, JaNiene Peoples, MS, CHES, explore self-acceptance and authenticity in personal and professional spaces.JaNiene's current research utilizes an intersectional approach to holistically examine risk and protective factors that may impact mental health and well-being outcomes for marginalized populations with a particular focus on African American adolescents and emerging adults. She is currently completing her PhD in Social Work at Washington University and also serves as a Certified Health Education Specialist and Certified Personal and Executive Coach. 

Self-Acceptance and Authenticity with JaNiene Peoples, MS, CHES

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