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Learn, Burn, Return: Your Blueprint for High Performance with Cindra Kamphoff
Learn, Burn, Return: Your Blueprint for High Performance with Cindra Kamphoff

Learn, Burn, Return: Your Blueprint for High Performance with Cindra Kamphoff

Get ready for a dynamic dive into unlocking human potential with Speaker and executive performance coach Cindra Kamphoff (https://cindrakamphoff.com/)! In this upbeat episode, Cindra reveals her inspiring journey from competitive athlete to a sought-after mindset mentor for high-profile clients—including the Minnesota Vikings. With a mix of personal anecdotes, practical tips, and a spunky attitude, she shows how embracing fear and discomfort can actually fuel your growth.What you'll hear in this episode:Fear Facts: Discover why courage isn’t about the absence of fear, but about moving forward in spite of it.Learn, Burn, Return: Learn this simple yet powerful method to process mistakes quickly and bounce back stronger.Control What You Can: Find out how focusing on what’s within your control—your attitude, preparation, and effort—can lead to high performance.Purpose-Driven Performance: Explore how defining your purpose can guide your decisions and supercharge your performance in sports, business, and everyday life.Whether you're chasing excellence on the field, in the boardroom, or in your personal endeavors, this episode offers lively insights and actionable strategies to help you perform at your peak. Tune in for a fun, insightful, and downright spunky conversation that might just change the way you think about fear, growth, and success!Want more from Cindra? www.cindrakamphoff.comwww.freementalbreakthrough.comwww.mentallystronginstitute.comLink to her podcast: https://cindrakamphoff.com/podcast/We also mentioned Richard Leider's book, The Power of Purpopse: https://richardleider.com/books/the-power-of-purpose-3rd-edition/ Dr. Cindra Kamphoff is an award-winning keynote speaker and certified mental performance coach for leaders, athletes, and championship teams. She has provided mental training for the Minnesota Vikings for four years, working one-on-one with the players. Cindra worked with the United States Olympic Track and Field team while they were in Tokyo working with the athletes one-on-one to help them train their minds. She is the author of an Amazon bestseller, Beyond Grit: Ten Powerful Practices to Gain the High Performance Edge and the corresponding workbook. She is the owner of the Mentally Strong Institute, a firm that provides mental training to leaders and athletes. Her podcast, The High Performance Mindset podcast, has over 2 million downloads and is ranked in the .5% of all podcasts where she interviews thought leaders about mindset.

Learn, Burn, Return: Your Blueprint for High Performance with Cindra Kamphoff

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