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Anne's experience at a 10-day Silent Vipassana Meditation Course
Anne's experience at a 10-day Silent Vipassana Meditation Course

Anne's experience at a 10-day Silent Vipassana Meditation Course

Meditation...something that makes a lot of people uncomfortable!  During a 10-day Vipassana Meditation Course (https://www.dhamma.org/) , you spend 10 days not interacting with anyone and meditation for 1-2 hours stretches for 10 hours every day!  It was hard, which is exactly why I went, but it was a much richer (and more hilarious) experience than I could have imagined!  Join me for the straight poop on my 10 day silent meditation experience!  And if you want more information on the 200 Vipassana course centers around the world, go to https://www.dhamma.org/

Anne's experience at a 10-day Silent Vipassana Meditation Course

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