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Sex Ed
Lets talk about Sex... As adults we all know that the topic of Sex is a taboo & no one really wants to talk about it, but we should because from butt plugs to bondage, the world of Sex has grown in the last 20 yrs and the younger generation are being exposed to higher expectations than ever before!Shannon runs Enrich RSEĀ ; a provider who is proud to deliver education that reflects good practice guidance within Sex Education. RSE should provide an opportunity for exploration, expression, reflection and the important opportunity to dispel the (all too common) myths that can make the distinct differences between healthy and unrealistic expectations around sex. Shannon is hugely passionate about delivering tailor-made RSE packages and workshops which work with & support Young People in this invaluable subject area. If you would like to find out more on how Enrish RSE could support you & your young person follow Shannon - https://enrich-rse.co.uk/about-shannon/ or @Enrich_rse on Instagram
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