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Grit Vs. Grace; When to Push and When to Pause
Grit Vs. Grace; When to Push and When to Pause

Grit Vs. Grace; When to Push and When to Pause

Grit vs. Grace: Finding Balance in Life's ChallengesIn this episode of the Shift Happens podcast, hosts Robin McIntire and Monique Eckes dive into the concepts of 'grit' and 'grace.' They explore how to balance determination and persistence with compassion and flexibility. Robin, a certified life and empowerment coach, and her long-term client, Monique, discuss personal experiences and strategies for navigating life's ups and downs. They share insights on avoiding burnout, the importance of self-honesty, and tips for finding a middle ground between too much grit and too much grace. The episode also highlights the significance of intentional living and offers practical action steps for daily reflection. Additionally, they introduce a pertinent free resource, 'Grind vs. Flow,' available on Robin's website.00:51 Defining Grit and Grace01:29 Balancing Grit and Grace02:48 The Impact of Grit and Grace on Life04:10 Personal Experiences with Grit and Grace05:06 Recognizing the Extremes of Grit and Grace06:15 Self-Honesty and Balance08:09 The Pendulum of Grit and Grace16:29 Grit and Grace in Personal Goals20:33 Balancing Sleep and Sunrise21:04 Making a Pact for Morning Hikes22:04 Embracing Identity and Grit22:57 Inspiration from Danelle Delgado25:06 Grit vs. Grace in Podcasting30:19 Intentional Living and Self-Reflection35:26 Personal Goals and Creative Pursuits39:14 Wrapping Up and ResourcesWe'd love to hear from you! Please leave topic requests or comments!😓🆓Download the Free Guide - Stop Worrying Start Living; 3 Stress-Busting Moves to Lighten Your Load ☮️🆓Download the Free Guide - Energy! Grind vs. Flow 🆓Download the Free Guide - Unlock your 'Want To' Factor: Your First Step To Releasing Unwanted Habits💁🏼‍♀️🎇Ready to take action and learn to build new habits? Book a Spark Session Plus session with Robin📧Let's Chat! Request a Free Discovery Call or Contact Robin💻Visit Robin's Website at robinmcintire.com or https://linktr.ee/RobinMcIntire📧Contact Monique at Siver Paw Studio#SHIFTHAPPENSPODCAST

Grit Vs. Grace; When to Push and When to Pause

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