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„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 191. - Veća prava za putnike u zračnom prometu
„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 191. - Veća prava za putnike u zračnom prometu

„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 191. - Veća prava za putnike u zračnom prometu

This is „Easy Croatian“– a weekly podcast brought to you by SBS Croatian and the Croatian Studies Centre at Macquarie University. “Easy Croatian” is intended for those learning or wanting to brush up on their Croatian. News is written in simpler and shorter sentences and read at a slower pace. Before we move on to the feature, you will hear some of the more complex vocabulary and expressions, followed by their English translations. The transcript, as well as a short quiz, can be found below.

„Lagani hrvatski“ – epizoda 191. - Veća prava za putnike u zračnom prometu

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