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Ep 75 (pt 2) - The Kavernacle: Complicity, Tokenism & Accidental F@scism
Ep 75 (pt 2) - The Kavernacle: Complicity, Tokenism & Accidental F@scism

Ep 75 (pt 2) - The Kavernacle: Complicity, Tokenism & Accidental F@scism

[This is part 2 of a 2 part conversation, you can listen to part 1 here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Yhb4lNGPfGwquHk4kBHjD?si=zLnUj1VTTFSvke6Nti6nRg Or here: https://youtu.be/KBU3Rjh3noY ] In this part of the conversation (with YouTuber The Kavernacle) we continue to discuss Israel, and New Atheism. We also talk about the complicity of Western countries in whats currently being done to Palestinians …and about how the right tokenizes & incentivizes minorities to uphold supremacist structures/systems. What I think listeners of this podcast will most enjoy though, is our difference in interpretation of Sam Harris’s extremely bigoted, fashy worldview. Is it accidental, or by design? Weigh in, dear listeners, via YT comments or Twitter comments, or Patreon comments - I’d love to hear your thoughts! And if you enjoy the show pls consider supporting via patreon.com/nicemangos —— Links: Find Kavernacle on YT: https://www.youtube.com/@TheKavernacle here are some vids we mentioned from his channel: IDF Tik Tok: https://youtu.be/dAw7Cm0woKU?si=O9pcaoi_lBIF8qvj Passport Bros: https://youtu.be/WHf6itM7_ZY?si=1kCdxTwnUn_wL4CF Find my YT channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5BiXCGHjmkXjbzP3MJg77w Find the Woking Up Series that was mentioned here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1caIpbHnvDjKu0Ph4DA0Nb?si=ab7005c8a8a4466b Or here: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/sets/woking-up-miniseries?si=eddd3e794f0f4ff4adec999b8b0bc374&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing My thoughts on SH’s Thoughts on White Supremacy was another episode we mentioned: https://soundcloud.com/politeconversations/debunkingharris?si=bc8f9e5a5836416aaef0b90a931a725f&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing On Media bias & suppression: CTV told journalists not to use the word “Palestine” and suppressed stories critical of Israel https://x.com/thebreachmedia/status/1727445643696787573?s=61&t=w7q_ejvwZ_gCFj9WV50Lqw CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’ https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias In a historic 2009 ruling, the Supreme Court of Pakistan ruled in favour of civil rights for transgender citizens, and further court rulings upheld and increased these rights. https://t.co/nLNQIvOO3h Pakistan to provide free healthcare for trans people: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1Z21A3/#:~:text=KARACHI%2C%20Pakistan%20 Sam’s claim that “France could become a *majority* Muslim country in 25 years” (he made this claim 18 years ago in 2006) https://x.com/adamjohnsonchi/status/828823659171217408?s=61&t=w7q_ejvwZ_gCFj9WV50Lqw

Ep 75 (pt 2) - The Kavernacle: Complicity, Tokenism & Accidental F@scism

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