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Ep 71 - The Language of G*n0*!de (pt 1)
Ep 71 - The Language of G*n0*!de (pt 1)

Ep 71 - The Language of G*n0*!de (pt 1)

⚠️CW: Discussions of extreme v!0l*nce and dehumanizing language This is Part 1 of a 2 part episode. Subscribe via patreon to get both episodes early. —— We have seen both US & Israeli officials engage in dehumanizing eliminationist rhetoric over the past few weeks. We’ve seen western media engage in linguistic gymnastics every day to avoid accurately reporting what’s happening to Palestinians. Linguist Dr. Caitlin Green joins me to discuss this difficult subject.

Ep 71 - The Language of G*n0*!de (pt 1)

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