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Woking Up 9 (FULL) : Dehumanizing Rhetoric 101
Woking Up 9 (FULL) : Dehumanizing Rhetoric 101

Woking Up 9 (FULL) : Dehumanizing Rhetoric 101

[This episode was released on Patreon on Oct 19. Sign up on Patreon.com/NiceMangos for early access to episodes like this one.] ⚠️Content Warning: Discussions of extreme vio**nce Here it is….. after an extremely loong break on Woking Up. This recent take of Sam’s on the Israel-Palestine situation was so bad, I just had to say something. It’s been a difficult episode to record. Devastating time in general, very difficult subject to discuss, so i apologize for sounding a little emotional in some parts. I simply can’t believe he says things like this in plain sight, in times of extreme violence. Even for him this is off the charts imo. ——— Links: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-textbook-case-of-genocide Israeli defence minister says ‘we are fighting human animals’ https://x.com/kenroth/status/1714502239690064383?s=61&t=w7q_ejvwZ_gCFj9WV50Lqw Israeli politician says the children of Gaza brought it on themselves https://x.com/middleeasteye/status/1714491538028298386?s=61&t=w7q_ejvwZ_gCFj9WV50Lqw https://x.com/nimrod_flash/status/1713970306262458505?s=61&t=w7q_ejvwZ_gCFj9WV50Lqw Netanyahu’s deleted tweet https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/children-post-deleted-netanyahu/ —— If you enjoy the show pls consider supporting via patreon.com/NiceMangos or leaving a review on Apple Podcasts/Spotify

Woking Up 9 (FULL) : Dehumanizing Rhetoric 101

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