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Self-Care as a lifestyle for Black Women/ Monica Wisdom
Self-Care as a lifestyle for Black Women/ Monica Wisdom

Self-Care as a lifestyle for Black Women/ Monica Wisdom

Hey Family,Welcome to another episode Black Women Amplified. This season, we're diving deep into the topic of self-care from a holistic perspective, exploring ways to nurture ourselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. In today's episode, titled "Self-Care as a Lifestyle for Black Women," we'll be discussing the importance of making self-care a consistent part of our daily lives.As Black women, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities and putting the needs of others before our own. However, prioritizing our well-being is essential for our overall health and happiness. In this episode, we'll explore practical strategies and mindset shifts that can help us move past overwhelm and exhaustion, allowing us to prioritize ourselves without guilt or hesitation.Join us as we delve into the ways self-care can help us gain clarity, find inner peace, and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves. Because, at the end of the day, we deserve to be well, and it's time to make self-care a non-negotiable part of our lifestyle.Thanks for listening, Monicawww.blackwomenamplified.comHere are the items for your self-care toolkit:Self-Love Digital Journal and Audio Guide: Link The Four Agreements Book: LinkOn Grief and Grieving Book: LinkWe Should All Be Millionaires Book: LinkSuccess Discovery Call with Monica Wisdom: Book Your Discovery CallPower Partner:Vital Body. Visit www.blackwomenamplified.com/vitalbody and use the code Monica20 for 20% OFF.Thank you for listening, and remember to take care of yourself—you deserve it!

Self-Care as a lifestyle for Black Women/ Monica Wisdom

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