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Jasmine Neveles: Brewing a Legacy of Empowerment in Coffee
Jasmine Neveles: Brewing a Legacy of Empowerment in Coffee

Jasmine Neveles: Brewing a Legacy of Empowerment in Coffee

Hello, Family, Happy New Year, wishing you all the best. We are continuing Season 3 with a compelling new conversation. I wanted to welcome everyone in the United States and from around the globe. Hello South Africa, Japan, Belgium, Kenya, South America, Paris, Frankfort, Ashburn, Chicago, and St. Louis. Thank you for rocking with us. As we step into another chapter together, my heartfelt wishes for you include great health, abundance, and unfiltered joy. The year has already burst forth with energy, and I can't wait to dive into some noteworthy moments, including the explosive Katt Williams interview. Of course, I'll be sharing insights beyond the sensational aspects because, as you know, I love to glean wisdom from every experience.Speaking of self-made journeys, we have an extraordinary guest in this episode—Jasmine, a visionary entrepreneur on a mission to transform the coffee industry. Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, Jasmine embarked on a nontraditional pathway to entrepreneurship, starting her career in hospitality before making a pivot into the tech world.With over 15 years of experience building brands across various industries, including CPG, Tech, Biotech, and Digital Health, Jasmine co-founded Uncharted Coffee with her sister Danielle. Their love for travel and coffee fueled the creation of Uncharted, a brand that goes beyond the love for the brew. It's a movement—a conscious effort to bring awareness to the social, economic, and environmental issues plaguing the coffee industry.As they delved into the manufacturing process and history of coffee during their travels, Jasmine and Danielle uncovered a dark truth about the industry—rooted in social injustice and environmental devastation, leading to economic hardship in many coffee-producing countries. Their mission became clear: to address the inequities in the supply chain process by uplifting women and communities of color who have long been marginalized.Uncharted Coffee is not just a beverage; it's a symbol of connection—to people, places, and values. It's a testament to the power of entrepreneurship in driving positive change. Tune in to hear Jasmine's inspiring journey, her vision for Uncharted, and how she's making a mark in an industry ripe for transformation.And don't forget to show some love to our power partner, Vital Body! They're offering an exclusive 20% discount for our fam. Just visit www.vitalbody.com/monica and use the code Monica20 at checkout.Share, subscribe, and join us in amplifying the voices of phenomenal women like Jasmine. Together, let's make this year one of growth, empowerment, and shared stories.Cheers to a powerful and purposeful journey ahead!Monica Wisdom, Founder of Monica Wisdom Coaching and Host of Black Women Amplified Podcast

Jasmine Neveles: Brewing a Legacy of Empowerment in Coffee

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