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In Case You Missed It - A Recap with Marcia in Less than 5 Minutes
In Case You Missed It - A Recap with Marcia in Less than 5 Minutes

In Case You Missed It - A Recap with Marcia in Less than 5 Minutes

Have you ever considered how your financial mindset might impact your entrepreneurial journey? In this episode of the Angel Next Door Podcast, Marcia Dawood recaps insightful conversations with guests, exploring the profound connections between money, leadership, and impact investing, and how these factors influence entrepreneurship.Marcia highlights Sally Boulter's discussion on donor advised funds (DAFs) as a means for accessible impact investing. She also revisits her conversation with Wendy Ryan, who shares her Learn Lead Lift framework, promoting leadership through clarity and collaboration and advocating for investment in diverse founders. Lastly, Marcia reflects on her dialogue with Cammie and Sandi from the Money Tales podcast, who emphasize reshaping our money beliefs.In case you missed any of this great content, you can get a recap here and also go back and listen to the full episodes: https://pod.link/1586445642 Sign up for Marcia's newsletter to receive tips and the latest on Angel Investing!Website: www.marciadawood.comLearn more about the documentary Show Her the Money: www.showherthemoneymovie.comAnd don't forget to follow us wherever you are!Apple Podcasts: https://pod.link/1586445642.appleSpotify: https://pod.link/1586445642.spotifyLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/angel-next-door-podcast/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theangelnextdoorpodcast/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@marciadawood

In Case You Missed It - A Recap with Marcia in Less than 5 Minutes

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