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You are Part of the Story with Allison Breininger
You are Part of the Story with Allison Breininger

You are Part of the Story with Allison Breininger

Allison Breininger, an experienced educator with an MA in Education, took on a new role at 31: caregiver for her husband, Sean, who was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease Fanconi Anemia. Throughout the past eleven years, she supported him through a bone marrow transplant and various cancers. This journey made Allison realize the lack of support for caregivers, leading her to establish the non-profit, The Negative Space, to transform caregiver perception and assistance.The unexpected twist in their lives significantly challenged their resilience and threatened their dreams. Despite this, Allison's dedication to her husband and herself remained a shining light amidst uncertainty. As a resilient caregiver, she navigates the delicate balance between productivity and self-care amidst challenges. Her powerful story showcases the impact of love and resilience in adversity.In this episode, you will be able to:Find practical strategies to overcome caregiver challenges and get the support you need.Discover how caregiving affects mental well-being and learn practical steps for maintaining a healthy mindset.Discover the value of a strong support network and see how it enhances your caregiving journey.Discover ways to find rest and relaxation while caregiving.Discover tips for managing caregiving while prioritizing your well-being.About Allison:Allison Breininger holds an MA in Education and spent two decades in various roles within the field. At the age of 31, she became a caregiver for her husband, Sean, who was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease Fanconi Anemia. Throughout the past eleven years, she has supported him through a bone marrow transplant and battles with cancer affecting his tongue, throat, gums, bladder, and skin. This firsthand experience has shown her the vital yet overlooked and unsupported role of caregivers. Motivated by her insights, Allison established the non-profit organization, The Negative Space, to change the perception and support for caregivers.Through The Negative Space, Allison sheds light on caregiving realities, offers direct services to caregivers, and educates and equips their supporters with practical tools and strategies. She co-hosts the In Sickness podcast, provides individual coaching nationwide, facilitates support groups, partners with organizations, and sells caregiver gift boxes.Connect with Allison Website TwitterInstagramFacebookLinked InPodcast URLBlogSupport the showConfessions of a Reluctant Caregiver Sisterhood of Care, LLC Website: www.confessionsofareluctantcaregiver.com Like us on Facebook! Tweet with us on Twitter! Follow us on Instagram! Watch us on Youtube! Pin us on Pinterest! Link us on LinkedIn!Tune in on Whole Care Network

You are Part of the Story with Allison Breininger

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