Energy-on ist der Kanal, bei dem es um DEINE Lebensenergie geht. Hier erfährst du Energy Hacks, mit denen du dein Energiepotential anheben kannst, damit DU wieder voll in DEINE Energie kommst!
Apr 24, 2024
I haven’t thought about decluttering my space since our last move two years ago. I like living in a tidy space but for some reason stuff is always kind of accumulating. Does this happen to you as well? If you think that your appartement or house needs to be turned in a home again you definitely need to listen to this episode, in which Helena shares
💫 Why she all of the sudden felt the urge to declutter her closet and the ripple effect it caused.
💫 Her ultimate tips on how to get started, even when you feel overwhelmed.
💫 Why decluttering is only the beginning of the journey of a simpler life.
💫 Decluttering a space is one thing but how to stay clutter free?
💫 Why decluttering is contagious and which impact it will have on your family members.
💫 The magic behind digital decluttering.
Don’t miss out on Helena’s story. There is so much magic behind it. It inspired me so much to clean up my book shelf right after the interview – literally right afterwards! I was just in the right energy. And on the next day I kept going by clearing out my work space. It was so liberating! It is hard to describe. You just need to experience it on your own.
What would be your first room you would like to declutter? morningroutine #changeyourlife #changeyourlifestyle
#energyon #quantumhealing #quantumenergy #femaleentrepreneurs #businesswomen
#womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership
#energyhealing #healyourbelieves #quantumscience #vibration #frequency
#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology #bovis #personalenergymanagement
#lifeenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork
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#energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership
May 17, 2023
In this episode I am sharing some insights from my personal energy mastermind. Yesterday, during the session one of the participants, who is starting a new job soon, asked the following question: “What can I do to be prepared to start the job at my best?” We thought, that this is an interesting question which has different layers to it. That’s why we looked into it more closely.
Of course, there is the physical aspect to make sure that you recover and relax before you get started. To take the chance to do things you didn’t have the time for a long time that give you joy. We all know that, right? But she asked explicitly: What can I do to be mentally fit. This aspect gave the question another twist and we dug deeper.
The result are eight powerful tips, which you can not only implement when you start a new position, but any time you feel, you are not giving your best at your current job. It is like taking a step back and evaluate, why did I want to have that job in the first place? What did I want to achieve?
When you watch the full video, you get all the details and how you can apply them like:
💫 Remember yourself of all the great things you have achieve so far in your career and why you are a great fit for this role
💫 Clear out everything that is holding you back
💫 Practice energetic communication with your new boss
💫 Create a structure for your “new life”: your working style and considering all wellbeing aspects that serve you
💫 What are the long-term whys for you, your community, the world and things you would like to learn from this particular experience long-term
I found it very inspiring to think ahead before your get started with a new job and how you could give your best and make an impact right at the beginning. After our discussions, she felt so much more confident and powerful because now she had ideas on how to prepare herself for the new role. We agreed that she picks at least three of the eight tips and put them into action right away. I am very curious to learn how things develop on her side.
The wonderful thing about this process is that you can apply it not only when you are starting a new job, no, you can do it any time also when you are not so satisfied with your actual job. There might be some things you cannot change but I am quite sure when you shift your energy in a certain direction it will have an influence on your working environment.
I am curious to get to know what are your learnings from this exercise? Please share!
#changejob #newjob #careerstep #chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequenz #quantumhealing #energizeyourlife
#bovis #lifeenergy #energymanagement #timemangement #timeismoney #energyon #energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership #womenmindset #femalesinbusiness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #inspiredwomen #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle #decisonmaking
May 02, 2023
Have you ever been in the situation that you are planning on doing something but you are always procrastinating? There is something you are planning to do but then, unfortunately every day gets something in your way that keeps you from actually doing it? Does this sound familiar to you?
And then all the sudden something comes along and, takes you by the hand and shows you how to do it? And then you realize, actually it is not difficult at all and you are asking yourself, why you didn’t try it out much earlier. Did this also happen to do?
And this somebody who guided me into the world of the Metaverse was Janina. I was always amazed with how much joy and enthusiasm she spoke about Web3, NFTs and the Metaverse. She is a real wizard in all these topics. And I always thought, how come she is having so much fun in the virtual world!
So I wanted to know and that’s why I invited her to the energy-on! show.
If you always wanted to know more about these new trends and developments but never took the time or bothered to check it out – you definitely need to listen to this episode. Because we spoke about the following topics:
💫 Why it is so important to get acquainted to these new virtual worlds – history shows!
💫 Why Janina is so fascinated by the Metaverse and the advantages of Web3 and
💫 Why everybody should use it
💫 What are the things that drain her energy when it comes to Web3
Janina is one of those persons that is omnipresent. There is not an event she is not participating, not a collaboration she is not part of and if you need help, she is the first one to be there to support you. I love her honest, kind and supportive way. She always has a simple and effective solution at hand. So in short – she is a person you are grateful for that she is in your circle. It is really amazing, where she get all these energy from 😊
If you want to know more about Janina and the work, she is doing in Web3, don’t miss out to participate in her up-coming course which starts at May 25. Live online training NFTs for customer loyalty and rewards (vividly.space).
If you are not ready for a course yet, check out her very informative Instagram account.
I am a big fan of her very stories. Janiina | Web3 & metaverse builder | NFTs for business (@janiina_v) | Instagram
Are you going to explore the Metaverse? Join us at our upcoming panel on May 11. It is from moms for moms!
You can register for free here: MOMPRENEURS: HOW TO KEEP ALL THE BALLS IN THE AIR Tickets, Thu, May 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my complementary e-book?
"Energetic Stress Management – The new way to deal with stress"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
#energyon #quantumhealing #quantumenergy #femaleentrepreneurs #businesswomen
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#energyhealing #healyourbelieves #quantumscience #vibration #frequency
#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology #bovis #personalenergymanagement
#energy-on #lifeenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork
#womenwithaplan #femalesinbusiness #womenbizness #sucessfulllifestye #womenentrepreneuer #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle
#energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership
May 02, 2023
I never learned how to deal with emotions. When I look back at the time when I was little, I experienced, that emotions are not something you show. I learned very quickly that emotions are something uncomfortable and unnecessary that you better push aside.
This made me learn the hard way that all the emotions I pushed aside (and there are a lot) they don’t go away, but they stay. They stay for a long time when you don’t deal with them. Now I know, that they want to be acknowledged and seen.
Being aware of your stored emotions and knowing how to deal with them is very powerful. That’s why I am sharing an 6-step-process in this episode. There you will get to know:
💫 Why you should stop numbing your emotions and see them as part of your life
💫 Start being aware what is triggering your emotions
💫 How to let go your emotions
💫 Realizing that your emotions don’t stay for ever
Our emotions are not the problem. We are just conditioned to respond to strong emotions by running away from them. Accepting emotions as they come, helps you to get more comfortable with them. To practice accepting emotions, try thinking of them as messengers. They are not “good” or “bad”. They are neutral. Maybe they bring up unpleasant feelings sometimes, but they are still giving you important information that you can use. Ask yourself: “What are these feeling telling me?”.
Try it out! I would love to hear how the technique is working for you.
#chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequenz #quantumhealing #energizeyourlife
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#moreenergy #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneuermentality #entrepreneurmentalhealth #entrepreneurtips
#kinesology #moneymindset
Mar 22, 2023
Honestly, Tessy is just amazing. I got to know her and her amazing group Vitamin W more than a year ago. Most people know her as the former Princess of Luxembourg, but she is so much more.
From my perspective, she is a little bit like a diamond – every time you look at her from a different angle or within a different light and you discover a new facet you haven’t realized before.
What I admire most at here: she walks what she talks. She just does it! She makes things happening.
What I love most about her: her uttermost honesty. She speaks about her feelings, what is going on in her life and any tabu topic as if it would be the recipe of her favorite cake. It is just natural to her to speak out loud what everybody else doesn’t dare to tackle.
That’s why it was so inspiring to talk with her about her PhD program in Integrative Medicine she is doing at the Quantum University in the USA. As part of her PhD program, she launched a 10 weeks coaching program in July last year, in which I participated.
It was an amazing journey and hence, you will learn in this episode:
💫The reasons behind, why Tessy started the PhD program
💫Why mindfulness is so important for all of us
💫Her most powerful tools she recommended during the program and she is still using
💫Her biggest learning from the program
💫What gives her energy
At the end of our conversation, I got also a little coaching impulse from Tessy. She analyzed me quite well, why people tend to underestimate me. 😊
If you want to know more about Tessy and all her projects than check out her amazing Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/tessy_from_luxembourg/
and her fascinating podcast Zoom O’Clock” in which she interviews outstanding men and women. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tessy-antony-de-nassaus-zoom-oclock/id1542817684
Please listen in – it is really amazing!
As usually, I learned so many things from Tessy during our conversation. I was also very excited that she was a speaker at the World of Achieving Women Panel in the Metaverse that I organized on International Women’s Day. There she shared her thoughts about education and why it is so important for all of us.
What did you take out of the interview? Did Tessy inspire you to practice mindfulness? Leave us a comment what you think about it.
When you find this episode valuable, please share it or leave us a thumb up!
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my complementary e-book?
"Energetic Stress Management – The new way to deal with stress"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
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#energy-on #lifeenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork
#womenwithaplan #femalesinbusiness #womenbizness #sucessfulllifestye #womenentrepreneuer #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle
#energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership
Mar 08, 2023
Subconsciously we are taking more than 10’000 decisions every day. Not all of them are life changing – but each decision needs energy.
I used to have a very hard time making decisions and therefore put off many decisions. The reason for this is certainly that I always wanted to please everyone and I didn't want to disappoint anyone.
Does this sometimes happen to you as well? How do you make your decisions on important issues? Do you make them quickly and easily based on your gut, or do you think long and hard about them, or are you someone who writes lists of pros and cons of different options?
If you want to know a sustainable process to make smart decisions, check out the full story in this episode. There you will get to know:
💫 Why there are no right or wrong decisions
💫 How you can find more effective and creative solutions, even if your mind tells you something completely different
💫 A very powerful way of making sustainable decisions for new projects, collaborations, hiring the right team member and much more
By having a simple tool for heart-based decisions you are saving so much energy.
First of all, you need less brain capacity to evaluate all different option with all it advantages and disadvantages.
Second, even you get an answer to your question which is good for you in the long-run.
We ourselves and also other people immediately feel when we make a clear decision and stand behind it. Even if it is a rather uncomfortable decision, such decisions are usually accepted quite quickly by most people. And we ourselves feel relieved to have finally made a decision.
Try it out! I would love to hear how the technique is working for you.
#chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequenz #quantumhealing #energizeyourlife
#bovis #lifeenergy #energymanagement #timemangement #timeismoney #energyon #energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership #womenmindset #femalesinbusiness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #inspiredwomen #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle #decisonmaking
#moreenergy #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneuermentality #entrepreneurmentalhealth #entrepreneurtips
#kinesology #moneymindset
Feb 22, 2023
I don’t know if I ever told you, but since last summer I am member of the quantum business group. We meet once per month via zoom and discuss how to use quantum science in daily life. These discussions are very precious for me because I learned about so many different skills and techniques. Not even to mention all these special stories I got the chance to listen to…..
At out last get together we got a new member. And I have to admit – I got really excited when I learned that it is Bruce Cryer, the former CEO of the HeartMath institute and friend of Joe Dispenza.
Bruce shared some of his insights of his work at the HeartMath institute and it was so fascinating that I asked him to share his immense expertise and wisdom with the energy-on! audience.
Hence, in this episode you learn more about:
💫 Why our heart is so powerful
💫 A fascinating story about how your life changes when you know what gives you joy
💫 That creativity is not artistic but all about finding solutions for life and to make our lives meaningful
💫 How powerful it is to allow yourself to feel your emotions and how this makes you stronger
💫 How to use powerful moments in your life to raise your vibration
What makes your heart sing? Did you ever ask yourself this question? I think it is a very powerful one. For me it is working with energy and experience this kind of magic, painting and swimming. There are many other things I enjoy doing, but these are definitely my top three.
Bruce has had a diverse career, spanning musical theater, biotech, personal development, health and well-being, and executive coaching. He began as a singer and dancer on Broadway, and helped launch the Institute of HeartMath of which he was the CEO from 2000 on.
If you want to know more about Bruce and all his amazing projects, please check out his incredible website: What Makes Your Heart Sing - Bruce Cryer
and his fascinating platform: The Renaissance Human Home - Renaissance Human
I hope you did get as inspired from the interview with Bruce as I did. What an amazing personality. I could have talked to him for hours.
What was your main take away from the interview? Did we inspire you to do something that makes your heart sing? Leave us a comment how you integrate it in your life.
When you find this episode valuable, please share it or leave us a thumb up!
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my complementary e-book?
"Energetic Stress Management – The new way to deal with stress"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
@brucecryer #bovis #lifeenergy @heartmathinstitute
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#energyhealing #healyourbelieves #quantumscience #vibration #frequency
#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology #bovis #personalenergymanagement
#getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork #energyflow
#womenwithaplan #bossmoms #femalerevolution #femalesinbusiness #womenbizness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #womenentrepreneuer #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle
Feb 08, 2023
The story I am sharing today is quite emotional and fascinating at the same time. It all began at a Brunch I was invited to before Christmas. It was a wonderful get-together with interesting people and meaningful conversations that make you think as well as amazing food and sparkling drinks. On of the guest was a vintage jeweler and my friend showed with great pride her beautiful ring from 1912 she got from her husband as a morning gift after the birth of her third son.
When she told the amazing story of the ring, I felt all of the sudden quite unwell. I realized that energetically, something on the ring was not the way it should be. So I approached her and shared with her, what I felt. She immediately took of the ring and gave it to me ……
If you want to know what happened afterwards, check out the full story in this episode. There you will get to know:
What the energy of the ring was all about
What happened to the ring afterwards
Some other fascinating stories about old jewelry
What you can do when you have old family jewelry
A 2-steps-process with which you can find out if the jewelry you are wearing is supporting you
By accident I stumbled in this amazing world of gem stones and vintage jewelry. It is so fascinating to learn who was wearing them before, which emotions they have stored for which reasons and what they really want.
Unbelievable! After listening to this episode you will look at any of your rings and necklaces or even watches from a completely different point of view.
I am so excited to inform you that my 4-months mastermind “Your energy is your business card” is starting in March. It is a very powerful program in which you learn how to manage your energy and how you can use it successfully for your business. I am sharing with you all my tools
on how to make sustainable heart-based decisions
how you can turn around the outcome of meetings by using energetic communication
the power of energetic stress management
when and how best to connect with your female and male energy
and so much more.
If this is of interest for you, please have a look and send in your application here:
To make sure, the participants get most out of it, there will be one weekly live session with hot seats, international guest speakers and much more. It will be a small group and there are only few seats left!
I am happy to answer any questions.
#chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequenz #quantumhealing #energizeyourlife
#kinesology #moneymindset #energymanagement
#energy-on #getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #energyforliving #energyforlife #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
#boomboomblog2022 #bovis #lifeenergy #timeismoney #energyon #successfullwomen #successtips #leadership #femalesinbusiness #womenceomindset #inspiredwomen #womeninbusiness #decisonmaking #bovis #lifeenergy #energymanagement #timemangement #timeismoney #energyon #energymanagementisthenewtimemanagement #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successmentor #successtips #leadership #womenmindset #femalesinbusiness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #inspiredwomen #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle #bovis #lifenergy #decisonmaking
#moreenergy #entrepreneurmindset #entrepreneuermentality #entrepreneurmentalhealth #entrepreneurtips
Jan 11, 2023
Life is all about comparing, isn’t it? At least I am always looking around. I often asked myself the questions:
💫 why is this person so successful?
💫 why is he or she achieving this and that whereas I am not?
💫 Why is she having so many friends and I am not?
By finding answers to these questions, it is so easy to assume that – maybe this person has just more luck, or is better than me, or to find many other excuses. It is so convenient to believe that the world is random, and unfair, and that we get what we are given.
However, when I took a closer look, I realized: everything that is in my life has something to do with – guess whom – with ME.
Just that you get me right: No one single circumstance makes a statement about who you are, but ongoing patterns, relationships and behaviors aren’t random. If you are constantly finding yourself in painful relationships, it is a sign that there’s something unhealed within you that needs to be addressed.
By looking closer into my patterns, I detected for example that I never ever had a best friend. Even though, I always dreamt of having one best friend with whom I could go through thick and thin together. However, I always ended up in a threesome relationship feeling like the fifth wheel. Reflecting on this and getting aware of this pattern offered me the chance to change it.
In this episode you will learn:
💫 Why it makes your life so much easier to believe that the world is random, and unfair, and that you get what you are given.
💫 Why everything that is in your life has something to do with you
💫 Why recognizing your patterns gives you the opportunity to transform them
💫 A powerful 4-step-process with which you can shift your patterns
How you interact with people, how well you do in your career, how healthy you are, the people you spend the most time with, your financial health and so on and so forth are all things that are mostly influenced by you. Of course, there are some external factors that can hinder or support your progress. But ultimately, the work is your own.
This is one of the hardest parts for us to understand and accept because we like to think that it is outside people or circumstances that are causing us to be happy or angry.
So now I am challenging you: If you really want to know how well you are doing in life, take a look around you. What are the patterns that are regularly showing up your life?
I have some cool news for you: In November I already shared with you that I am planning to start a Mastermind. Now it is the time of the time! The doors to register for “Your personal energy is your business card” will be open at the end of January. I am so excited about it!
If you want to know more about and how knowing how to use your personal energy can influence your career and business – there will be a complementary Masterclass on Friday, January 27 at 12.00 pm CET. Send me a message right away and I forward you the link!
#masterclass #chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequency #quantumhealing #lawofreflection #changeyourmindset
#kinesology #energymanagement
#lifeenergy #bovis
#personalenergy #personalenergymanagement #havealltheenergyyouneed #makeadifference #makeanimpact #energymanagement #energyon #businessenergy #successfullwomen #successtips #leadership #womenmindset #femalesinbusiness #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle #decisonmaking
Dec 21, 2022
Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once famously stated, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with“. When I was preparing the interview with JFab I thought about this sentence and all of the sudden it occurred to me that my five people have completely changed the last two year.
I always thought that these five people need to be around me. So I met friends, went to conferences and Aperos but since Covid this has changed. Zoom made it possible to connect easily with inspiring people all over the world. Which is what I am doing right now – I invite international masterminds and quantum science discussion groups literally in my living room and fancy to drink a virtual coffee with a friend in Boston.
Bottom line – our relationships matter to us – they can drain or boost our energy. Most of the time we are not aware of it. That’s why am talking with JFab, a Global Super Connector who already built hundreds of online and offline communities on how to connect, built relationships and create your own community.
In this episode you will get to know:
💫 Why JFab is so fascinated by connecting with other people
💫 What is important to be considered when it comes to relationships
💫 How to get started to set up your own network
💫 That you shouldn’t underestimate the network behind other people
💫 How magic things happens just because of connections in your network
💫 What JFab likes most about her network and the exchange with people
Even though I know JFab now for quite some time I am always amazed how quickly she touches base with complete strangers or connect two people in her network, because they have something in common what she immediately observes. It is really fascinating and she is a great role model.
JFab is sharing her magic and wisdom in the Personal PR Facebook group. Every week she is interviewing two to three inspiring thought leaders about their key learnings in business and life. You can connect to the group via this link: (20+) Personal PR - How Entrepreneurs Elevate Their Brand and Raise Their Fees | Facebook
JFab is a real super connector and has networks all over the world. In the end it is that what really counts – that are our relationships. Not the amount of people we meet, but if we connected with them and if they care for us and we care for them. And if we boil it down – all our relationships are just energy. 😊
Did we inspire you to connect with new people and to expand your network? Leave us a comment what you think about it.
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my complementary e-book?
"Energetic Stress Management – The new way to deal with stress"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
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#womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership
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#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology #bovis #personalenergymanagement
#energy-on #getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork #networking
#womenwithaplan #bossmoms #femalerevolution #femalesinbusiness #womenbizness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #womenentrepreneuer #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle
Dec 07, 2022
Have you ever felt that someone was staring at you…
And sure enough, when you turn around, you catch a glimpse of someone quickly looking away.
That's just one everyday example of telepathy.
Interested to get to know more about Telepathy and how it works? Then don’t miss my interview with the extraordinaire and multi-dimensional Derek Loudermilk.
His knowledge about so many things is just amazing and I could have talked to him for hours. Derek is a former pro cyclist and extreme microbiologist, professional adventurer, bestselling author and business strategist. He is working hard to bridge science and spirituality so that we can experience magic in our everyday lives.
As Derek is just running the Telepathy Initiation Live, a program in which you learn how to use telepathy in your daily life, we speak about how he experiences telepathy and what made him offer a course about Telepathy.
Hence, in this episode you learn:
💫 What Telepathy is from Derek’s point of view
💫 How Telepathy works
💫 Why everybody can use Telepathy
💫 Why Telepathy is such a superpower and what the biggest advantage is when using it
💫 Why using Telepathy and Remote Viewing is so much easier for kids
💫 What has changed in Derek’s life since he started using Telepathy
As Derek is an expert in so many different areas, we touched many other aspects of energy work. The interview is quite a holistic tour-de-table of what is possible with energy. It is just amazing.
Derek is the creator of the L.E.A.P. system for quantum entrepreneurs. His business coaching process incorporates The Thought Leader’s MBA, The Energy Experience, The Adventure Mindset, and Peak Performance Mastery.
If you want to know more about Derek and what he is working on, please check out his comprehensive website: Home - Derek Loudermilk
and his fascinating podcast: The Derek Loudermilk Show at Podcast Archives - Derek Loudermilk.
I hope you enjoyed the interview with Derek as much as I did. It inspired me to focus on using Telepathy more often. Hence, it just happened that I was thinking of writing a mail to somebody because I needed some information. When I opened my mailbox – guess what – the mail from that person answering my question was already there……
What did you take out of the interview? Did we inspire it to learn Telepathy? Leave us a comment what you think about it.
If you want to learn Telepathy and how to use it in your daily life, please contact Derek to sign up for his next Telepathy Course staring in March. Try it out – it is really amazing 😊
When you find this episode valuable, please share it or leave us a thumb up!
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my complementary e-book?
"Energetic Stress Management – The new way to deal with stress"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
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#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology #bovis #personalenergymanagement
#energy-on #getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energywork #energyflow
#womenwithaplan #bossmoms #femalerevolution #femalesinbusiness #womenbizness #sucessfulllifestye #womenceomindset #womenentrepreneuer #womeninbusiness #femalentrepreneuerlifestyle
Nov 23, 2022
Are you sometimes wondering why money is coming to you but doesn’t stay?
Or why other people are having so much more money?
Do you think that you need hard to be rich?
Did you ever think that there is a reason behind why there is not more money on your bank account? You are probably right.
Having enough money is a very important topic in our daily life! So, let’s have a closer look at YOUR money. No, not your bank account. But we are looking behind the scenes, why money is probably not flowing into your bank account as you would like it to be and how you can change that.
In this episode you will learn:
Where the concept of money actually comes from
What your money mindset looks like
Why your mindset determines your bank balance
A 4-steps-process with which you can shift your money mindset
How to cultivate rich thinking
I was lately working on my own money mindset and it always amazing – even for me – to see through which obscure and not predictable ways money can find it’s way to you. You just need to be open to it and allow it to come to you.
In a way it is similar to finding your dream partner. That’s why I am sharing the latest success story of one of my clients and how she had a money inflow right after we shifted her money mindset. It is so powerful – just try it out!
On top of that I would like to inform you, that I am working on creating a mastermind to empower women to use their energy again. The program is called "The Personal Energy Mastermind". To better understand the pain points and desires of women who are juggling too many balls at the same time I am doing some market research.
It would be great if you could support me and fill out the survey – it takes just 15 minutes! As a thank-you for your precious time, I would be happy to gift you a 30-minute session about your personal energy management. Send me a message right away and I send you the link!
#chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequenz #quantumhealing #energizeyourlife
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May 04, 2022
A couple of weeks ago I had a catch up with Bettina Jubke from “Mein Quantenherz” and at the end of our call we talked about how much fun we had when I interviewed her a year ago. All of the sudden Bettina asked me: “You know, you are doing all these interviews offering all these inspiring women a platform to show what they are doing, but actually, I don’t know all these things about the work you are doing. Let’s do another interview in which I ask you all the questions I always wanted to ask you.”
That was a fun idea and hence, we just decided to do another interview! This time with opposite roles and because it is for Bettina’s community once again in German. I have to admit: It was real fun and I enjoyed it very much to share my experiences with energy work. So many things happened!
So if you want to know
💫 why and when my fascination about energy got started;
💫 what happened in my life that lead me to discover the world of energy healing
💫 how energy healing actually works
💫 why starting thinking about yourself in terms of energy and frequency can be such a game changer
then check out todays episode (in German) and get all the insights about my story and the magic of quantum science and energy healing. During the interview I also talked about my mission to inspire as many people as possible to start working with their energy. It is so fascinating and once you have started you can hardly stop. If you are interested, but you don’t know how to get started: I am offering a complementary workshop “Do you speak the language of the universe?” workshop on Tuesday, May 24 2022. The language of the universe is the language of energy. I would love to see you there!
Was there an event in your life that completely changed your way of living? I would love to hear about it. Please leave me a comment below the video or on Instagram at Cornelia_energy_on
If you are interested to know more about Bettina’s energy work, have a look at her homepage: www.meinquantenherz.de or her very inspiring Instagram account: @quantenherz. If you follow her you will never ever miss out on a Portaltag.
I really enjoyed sharing all my insights with you!
@quantenherz @bettinajubke #portaltag
#energyon #quantumhealing #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #mompreneurship #mompreneurs #businesswomen
#womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership
#energyhealing #healyourbelieves #chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequency
#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology
#energy-on #getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #energyforliving #energyforlife #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
Oct 03, 2021
In today’s episode my guest is the very energetic, powerful and magic Nina Maglic.
For me, she is the most energetic, positive and joyful person, I have ever met. When you talk to her, you just see her sparkling of energy. You can see it and you can feel it! She is pure energy!
When Nina started to learn about energy, she realized that energy affects all areas of life. The more she works on her own energy, all areas of her life improved. Now she is an energy healer, and she seems to have a magic wand, with which she turns everything she touches in a success!
During our interview, Nina talks about:
? Why and how she started her journey of energy work
? How her energy work works and how she detects and removes low energy vibes
? Why energy work gives her so much energy
? How often you should do energy work and why this is so important
Energy work is not only about healing your body. When energy cannot flow smoothly and easily through our bodies, all areas in our lives are affected.
If you want to know more about Nina, her techniques and her tools, check out her website:
Nina Maglic – Intuitive Energy Healer
As mentioned during the interview – Nina also offers a free meditation. If you want to access it, just click at the link below:
I can only recommend you to follow her on Instagram because she is providing so much content in a fun way! I just love it: ninamaglic.happylife.energy
I hope you enjoyed the interview with Nina as much as I did. She is such a powerful and energetic person and helped already soooo many people to transform their lives. Our interview inspired me so much to continue my energy work and to move on!
What did you take out of the interview? Have you also been inspired by Nina’s energy? What are the energy tools you are using? Leave us a comment what you think about it.
When you find this episode valuable, please share it or leave us a thumb up!
I wish you all the best and
Do you already know my free e-book?
"10 Energy Hacks that boost you life’s energy"
Download it with one mouse click only:
#energywork #energyhealing #freeebook
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Sep 29, 2021
When I came back from my long and relaxing vacations, it took me just an instant to be back in my daily routines, long to-do-lists and my hamster-wheel in which most of us are kind of caught. I am quite sure; you know what I am talking about, right?
Normally, we are not aware of our hamster-wheels – we are just so used to it. And yes, even if it is a little bit annoying that most days look in some way the same, exactly this gives as a certain amount of security. Because we feel so much better and saver, when we know what the day is going to bring.
However, this year it was different. There was such a strong refusal against my hamster-wheel that I needed to look closer into it.
Hence, in this episode you will get to know:
? Why it is sometimes necessary to take a step back and look at all the things you are doing from a neutral point of view
? Why it is sometimes hard and difficult to be honest to yourself when evaluating all your activities
? A simple technique how you can communicate with your heart
? How you can figure out what gives you joy
Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves because
? we like doing certain things
? we want to fulfill certain expectations
? we are just good in something
These are some of the reasons why we continue with some activities or projects – even though they don’t fulfill our heart nor do they give us joy.
For me this was a difficult lecture to learn that when I am doing too many things at the same time - and I really like doing them - I put so much pressure on myself, that I was not enjoying them anymore.
Realizing this made me so sad but I suddenly understood that I do not want to continue this way. I need to sort it out which of my many activities give me so much joy that I want to keep going.
That’s why I decided to take another break with my energy-on! youtube channel at the moment. I am quite sure that I shall back some time later with a new spirit, new episodes and much more joy and drive.
How about you? Did you sit down and had a closer look what is giving you joy?
Would be great if you could leave me a comment below the video or on Instagram at Cornelia_energy_on
I hope you understand my reason and that you stay tuned until we see each other again.
Until then,
#selfcare #dowhatyoulove #loveyourself #enjoywhatyouaredoing ##energyhealing #healyourbelieves #chargeyourbattery #quantumscience #vibration #frequency
#selfhealing #energizeyourlife #kinesology
#energy-on #getyourenergyback #lifeenergy #energyforliving #energyforlife #shiftyourenergy #manageyourenergy
#healyourenergy #energyhealing #mompreneur #mompreneurlife #mompreneurship #mompreneurs #businesswomen #businesswoman #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womeninleadership
Do you already know my free e-book?
"10 Energy Hacks that boost you life’s energy"
Download it with one mouse click only:
e-Book | Newsletter | FAQ | Cornelia Kawann
Dec 13, 2020
Stress ist ja meistens völlig hausgemacht. Wir nehmen uns immer viel zu viel vor, oder haben das Gefühl, tausend Dinge noch erledigen zu müssen und das geht sich eben nicht immer in den 16-00 bis 18.00 Stunden in denen wir wach sind, aus. Ja natürlich gibt es manchmal Dinge, die unbedingt noch erledigt und fertig gestellt werden müssen – aber seien wir uns mal wirklich ehrlich – wenn es sich nicht ausgeht, geht die Welt davon auch nicht untern. Das zeigt ja gerade die aktuelle Krise.
In diesem Video erfährst du:
?Warum wir uns gestresst fühlen.
?Was der Unterschied zwischen positiven und negativem Stress ist.
?Wie du innerhalb von wenigen Momenten dein Stressempfinden und seine Bewertung völlig shiften kannst.
?Wie du mehr wertschätzen kannst, was du heute schon alles erledigt hast.
Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Erfolg beim Ableiten deines Stresses’ und dass du danach deine Arbeiten in entspannter Atmosphäre verrichten kannst.
Schreib mir doch unter dieses Video oder an info@corneliakawann.com, wie es dir mit Anwendung der Ableit-Methode geht oder hol dir Inspirationen auf meinem Instagramm Account unter cornelia_energy_on.
Ich freu mich schon sehr, auf dein Feedback.
Wenn dich diese Themen interessieren und inspirieren, dann abonniere diesen Kanal!
Wie sehen uns nächste Woche wieder!
Bis dahin, Alles Liebe und bleib gesund!
Deine Cornelia.
Dec 06, 2020
Aufgrund der zahlreichen Anfragen zu der Fingerring-Methode habe ich mich entschlossen, ein energy-on! Spezial zu diesem Thema zu machen.
Was du aus diesem Video mitnehmen wirst:
? Was gerade am Anfang bei der Anwendung der Fingerring-Methode zu beachten ist
? Wie du gute Fragen stellst, um die richtigen Antworten zu erhalten
? Warum Vertrauen bei der Fingerring-Methode so wichtig ist
Ich zeige dir anhand von verschiedenen Beispielen, wie du Fingerring-Methode einfach einsetzen und du dir damit den Alltag erleichtern kannst.
Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Freude und Spass beim richtigen Anwenden der Fingerring-Methode.
Schreib mir doch unter info@corneliakawann.com wie es dir jetzt mit Anwendung der Fingerring-Methode geht oder hol dir Inspirationen auf meinem Instagramm Account unter cornelia_energy_on.
Ich freu mich schon sehr, auf dein Feedback.
Wenn dich diese Themen interessieren und inspirieren, dann abonniere diesen Kanal.
Alles Liebe und bleib gesund!
Deine Cornelia.
http://www.corneliakawann.com - derzeit in Überarbeitung
Nov 11, 2020
#33. Wieviel % Lebensenergie hast du?
Vor ein paar Wochen hat mich eine Freundin gefragt, ob ich mit ihr in eine Ausstellung über chinesische Landschaftsmalerei gehe. Ich kann euch sagen, es war ein total spannender Sonntag Vormittag, den wir gemeinsam in dieser Ausstellung erlebt haben.
Was daran so spannend war? Berge und Wasser sind die beiden wichtigsten Komponenten eines chinesischen Landschaftsbildes. Verbunden werden diese beiden Gegensätze durch das Qi – die Lebensenergie – und das war auf den Bildern ganz toll dargestellt.
Durch diese Ausstellung wurde ich inspiriert, eine Episode über dieses Qi zu machen.
Wenn du dir das Video anschaust erfährst du diesbezüglich:
Welche Aufgaben das Qi in unserem Körper übernimmt
Wie das Qi durch unseren Körper fliesst und was passieren kann, wenn dieser Fluss blockiert ist
Welche verschiedenen Formen des Qi es gibt
Warum das ursprüngliche Qi so massgeblich für unser Leben ist
Was passiert, wenn wir unserem Körper nicht genug Qi zuführen
Eine einfache Methode, mit der du den Status von deinem ganz persönlichen Qi herausfinden kannst
Wenn du wie ich noch ganz viel in deinem Leben vor hast und auch gerne 120 Jahre alt werden möchtest, dann ist es sicher hilfreich, auf deine Lebensenergie zu achten und zu schauen, dass deine Energiespeicher immer wieder aufgeladen werden. Daher, achte auf deinen Körper, deinen Lebensstil und schau, dass es dir gut geht.
Schreib mir doch unter das Video, wie der Status von deinem Qi ist. Hast du so wie ich schnell herausgefunden, warum dein Qi nicht voll aufgeladen ist? Was wirst du tun, um deine Qi Reserven wieder aufzufüllen?
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute und
Deine Cornelia.
Kennst du schon mein kostenloses e-Book?
«Meine 10 Energy Hacks – Wie du wieder vor Energie sprühst»
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Begleittext englisch - Instagram
#32 Your actions do not change the past
In today's episode, I want to talk about your past. Not in detail - but in principle! I have noticed that many people are still stuck in their past. But the fact is, no matter what you do or say now, you cannot change the past.
If you listen to this video – link see bio - you gain insight into:
Why it is so important to change the judgement of your past
How you can change how a situation from the past affects you
A 6-step guide on how to actively let go of situations from the past so that you feel free again
Why it is so relieving to let go of old burdens
What is so wonderful about it? You have so much more energy afterwards! Because by holding on to the past, a lot of energy was tied up, which is now available to you again.
It would be great if you could share how you think about it.
I am looking forward to the exchange with you!
I wish you all the best and
Nov 09, 2020
Pro Tag treffen wir mehr als 20.000 Entscheidungen.
Die meisten davon blitzschnell – ohne dass uns es überhaupt bewusst ist.
Bei der Anwendung dieser Methode geht es nicht um diese automatischen Entscheide, sondern bewusst eine Wahl zu treffen, was für dich am besten ist. Und vielleicht werden dir durch diese Fingerring-Methode auch deine Automatismen etwas bewusster gemacht. Entscheidungen auf diese Art zu treffen, ist ganz sicher eine Umstellung – vor allem, da du es ja jahrelang ganz anders gemacht hast. Und auch wenn die Antwort die du erhältst mal auf den ersten Blick unlogisch erscheint, längerfristig, mag es doch die richtige Antwort sein.
Ich wünsche dir auf jeden Fall viel Freude beim Üben und Anwenden der Fingerring-Methode und ganz viele gute Entscheidungen damit.
Schreib mir gerne, wie dir diese Episode gefallen hat und was du für dich daraus mitnehmen konntest.
Alles Liebe und energy-on,
Deine Cornelia.
Nov 04, 2020
#32. Dein Tun hat keine vergangenheitsverändernde Wirkung
In der heutigen Folge möchte ich über deine Vergangenheit sprechen. Also jetzt nicht im Detail – aber prinzipiell! Ich habe nämlich festgestellt, dass ganz viele Menschen noch in ihrer Vergangenheit festhängen. Faktum ist aber, egal was du jetzt tust, machst oder sagst, du kannst die Vergangenheit nicht mehr verändern.
Wenn du dir mein Video anschaust erfährst du diesbezüglich:
Warum es so wichtig ist, die Bewertung deiner Vergangenheit zu verändern
Wie du beeinflussen kannst, welchen Einfluss eine Situation aus der Vergangenheit auf dich hat
Eine 6-Schritte-Anleitung, wie du Situationen aus der Vergangenheit aktiv loslassen kannst, damit du dich wieder frei fühlst
Warum es so befreiend ist, alten Ballast loszulassen
Und was das wunderbare daran ist – du hast danach so viel mehr Energie! Denn durch dieses Festhalten der Vergangenheit war ganz viel Energie gebunden, die dir jetzt wieder zur Verfügung steht.
Wie siehst du das? Wäre schön, wenn du deine Gedanken dazu teilst.
Ich wünsche dir alles Gute und
Deine Cornelia.
Kennst du schon mein kostenloses e-Book?
«Meine 10 Energy Hacks – Wie du wieder vor Energie sprühst»
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