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Investing for Beginners- Steps You Can Start Taking Now | HDM 389
Investing for Beginners- Steps You Can Start Taking Now | HDM 389

Investing for Beginners- Steps You Can Start Taking Now | HDM 389

Have you ever felt like you needed an MBA just to get started investing? There are terms, like compound interest, loaded funds, and on and on that feel complex. Therefore, it feels scary to start investing without having ALL  the knowledge. Today we are going to squash all of that so you can invest with confidence. Did you know that about 42% of Americans don't own stock? That's according to a Motley Fool study. The number of Latinos is likely much lower than that. Of course the reason? Fear of investing. Today I bring you a woman who will help you lose your fear of investing. Tess Waresmith is a financial coach and the founder of Money Confident, a financial education program aimed at women in their 30s and 40s. After losing $80k in bad investments in her twenties, Tess educated herself on wealth building and increased her net worth from 0 to 1 million by the age of 35. Now, she helps women learn simple investing strategies to grow their money, even if they're short on time or new to investing.In this episode you will learn: The costly mistake she made when starting to invest.One thing you can do starting now when investing feels to overwhelming and complicated.A practical rule of thumb to figure out if you need a financial advisor right now.For a quick recap of this episode go to https://www.jenhemphill.com/389The post, Investing for Beginners- Steps You Can Start Taking Now | HDM 389 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast. Use the code REINA to get 10% off your purchase of the Her Dinero Matters Money Planner! Click Here for your planner.

Investing for Beginners- Steps You Can Start Taking Now | HDM 389

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