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Don’t Just Save, Multiply Your Savings Instead | HDM 383
Don’t Just Save, Multiply Your Savings Instead | HDM 383

Don’t Just Save, Multiply Your Savings Instead | HDM 383

Aren't you tired of those famous money phrases that, to be honest, don't really serve us much, like, for example, "save for a rainy day"?And don't get me wrong, it's ok to save money, of course, but it's more than that, it's about making your money multiply.In today's episode, I'll share three familiar strategies to not only save money but also ensure that your savings multiply.Throughout this 4-part series, we've delved into two crucial points for the year: emphasizing what's within our control and recognizing the significance of increasing our income.In today's episode, our focus shifts to saving for the future and ensuring our money multiplies. I'll guide you on what focusing on making your savings multiply will do for you. I will also provide a mini financial terminology 101 lesson, and reveal three essential areas to maximize your money multiplying potential.In this episode you will learn:  Why it is important to go beyond saving and making sure your money multiplies Truly understanding the benefits of compound interest. Understanding what a high yield savings account is and how you can benefit from them. For a quick recap of this episode go to http://www.jenhemphill.com/383The post,  Your Fast-Track to How to Earn More Money | HDM 383 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast. Want to also have the option to watch the podcast? Check us out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JenHemphill

Don’t Just Save, Multiply Your Savings Instead | HDM 383

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