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What it Really Takes to Achieve a Debt-Free Life | HDM 387
What it Really Takes to Achieve a Debt-Free Life | HDM 387

What it Really Takes to Achieve a Debt-Free Life | HDM 387

Imagine waking up in the morning feeling relaxed when you think about your finances because you are debt-free. Doesn’t seem  possible for you? Keep in mind that what works for one person may not necessarily work for you, and that's where many people give up. This is where a more holistic approach comes into play which will make a drastic difference in seeing your debt go down. What the heck is a holistic approach? Find out what this looks like and more in today’s episode all about what it really takes to achieve a debt-free life.  Did you know that according to a survey conducted by Clever over, 61% of Americans have credit card debt? That is 3 in 5 Americans. And with the current higher interest rates, it makes things more challenging. Even with this challenge, a debt-free life is possible. The guest I bring you today is a living example of what is possible.Mayra García is a financial coach and podcaster who is dedicated to empowering Latinas and families everywhere to master their money and live debt-free lifestyles.  She has had a journey and was able to pay off all her debt in 17 months.In this episode you will learn: How a holistic approach can help you manage your finances and be debt free.The one primary financial obstacle observed, particularly in the Latina community.A strategy to help manage your finances if you have debt, specifically credit card debt.Why it's important not to compare your financial situation with what you see on social media.For a quick recap of this episode go to https://www.jenhemphill.com/387The post, What it Really Takes to Achieve a Debt-Free Life | HDM 387 appeared first on the Her Dinero Matters Podcast. Want to also have the option to watch the podcast? Check us out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JenHemphill

What it Really Takes to Achieve a Debt-Free Life | HDM 387

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