Are you curious about what makes us tick? Open to exploring what’s truly at the Heart of everything? Welcome to Lasting Conversations; where we get real, go deep, and talk about our histories, memories, passions, and dreams. A safe space in which to share our wisdom, explore new ideas, even test the boundaries of what makes us human. I'm your host Heather Lockett, and people have ALWAYS fascinated me. I have a unique ability for all kinds of folks to feel comfortable opening their hearts, and connecting deeply. We explore, learn, and grow, together, simply by engaging and sharing; always embracing our collective sense of family. From the mundane to the metaphysical - unique experiences, and common bonds - this podcast will open the door for all to discover what makes us tick; what moves us forward; even what sometimes, holds us back. Our conversations are fun, dynamic, meditative, compelling and soulful. A gathering place for true connection; for community. Join me on this journey, and let’s have conversations that are meaningful, memorable, and lasting. Lasting Conversations — follow us now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you enjoy your shows.
Feb 13, 2024
Have you ever heard a powerful story that feels like a lightning bolt toyour heart? That's what awaits you with Shā Sparks, our vibrant guest,whose transformation from a hairstylist in an abusive relationship to anacclaimed motivational coach, and author, is nothing short of electric.Join us as we traverse the landscape of personal change, the boldness offinding one's voice, and the magic that unfolds when we dare to livewithout fear. Shā, the Chief Excitement Officer of Sparks of FireInternational, is not just a beacon of light; she's a fire starter,igniting hope and courage in everyone she touches.Communication is an art, and for many of us, sarcasm is the firstlanguage we learn to shield our vulnerabilities. But what happens whenwe strip away the irony and veiled jabs, and speak from the heart? Inour heart-to-heart with Shā, we uncover the roots of sarcasm, and thepower of authenticity. Our conversation is a tapestry woven with storiesof growth, the beauty of beginning anew, and the pivotal questions thatguide us on our journeys. It's about the strength it takes to ask forhelp, the exploration of curiosity, and the transformative practice ofjournaling, that can silence the harshest of critics – the ones withinourselves.Shā’s journey of self-discovery didn't just change her life; it sparkeda movement. The Fire Starters Book Project, and the unmistakable "Don'tBe a D.I.C.K.” podcast segment are just glimpses into how she'schampioning positivity and rekindling kindness. But the warmth doesn'tend there. Shā extends a heartfelt invitation to connect through hervarious platforms, reminding us that pursuing happiness is a collectivejourney. As your host, I wrap up with an encouragement to share yourvoice with us – because every story, including yours, is a vital piecein the Lasting Conversations mosaic.Connect with Shā www.shasparks.comwww.theshasparksshow.comwww.firestartersbookproject.comContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Feb 06, 2024
Ever had one of those days where things don't quite go as expected?Heather Lockett, found herself in just such a moment when an envisionedtranquil day by the sea was met with gusting winds and unexpectedcompany. This episode of Last in Conversations is all about throwingcaution (and our carefully laid plans) to the wind, and embracing life'scurveballs with a sense of adventure. We'll share laughter, perhaps afew sighs of exasperation, and most importantly, we'll uncover thebeauty of resilience and the art of finding joy in the mayhem that lifesometimes presents us with.During this heartwarming vignette, Heather recounts a recent adventureat a podcasting & multimedia convention where the spirit of camaraderieinstead of competition, was the way of conducting business. We learnabout the concept of "starting ugly," a mantra that urges us to leapinto action, setting aside perfection for the sake of progress. Ourstory continues as a celebration of human connection, underscored by thepower of simply holding hands—with our neighbors or with friends acrossthe globe. So, grab your headphones, and let's band together, sharing inthe collective strength and joy that helps us rise above and steer ourway through the tides of our ever-changing world.Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Jan 30, 2024
Have you ever found yourself at the intersection of vulnerability andstrength? Male, female, all peoples; join us, as we welcome theextraordinary Ben Curtis! Ben is the original 'Dell dude' and nowpremier guide and performance coach, visionary leader of Dude School,and podcast host of Dude, You're Getting Well, and well known actor andmusician. Ben shares his transformative journey through fame, personalstruggle, and the pursuit of wellness, with humor, humility and gentlewisdom. Our conversation delves into the heart of redefinedmasculinity, where the divine masculine emerges as a force for reshapingthe traditional constructs of manhood. Ben's own narrative becomes aguiding light for those wrestling with societal pressures and seekingpersonal healing, reminding us all of the power found in resilience andmindfulness.Amidst the tenderness of shared experiences, we uncover the evolution of'dude' from a simple word to a beacon of inclusive empowerment. Wetraverse the often-unspoken male grief, such as that experienced in theshadows of miscarriage, and other disruptive occurrences, and celebratethe strength found in emotional expression and the support of thecommunity. Our exchange becomes more than a chat; it's a collective callto action to craft safe spaces where the metamorphosis of masculinitycan flourish, and where our individual stories create a rich tapestry ofcollective understanding.Wrapping up this inspirational journey, we pivot to the art of livingauthentically across the myriad roles life throws our way. Ben Curtisoffers a personal look at how he juggles being a musician, CEO, andfamily man, all while championing self-care and setting boundaries tomaintain balance and authenticity. This episode is an open invitation toa more conscious, connected existence - where gratitude,self-reflection, and heartfelt communication are not only aspirationalideals but a lived reality. Listen in and be part of this joyouscelebration of embracing our entire selves!Contact Ben Curtis: Linktree: Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Jan 23, 2024
We invite you on a transformative exploration of loss, self-discovery,and the tenacity of the human spirit. Our guest, accomplished author,public speaker, and hope facilitator, Cathleen Elle opens up about theharrowing journey following her son's passing; guiding us through thenuanced terrain of grief. Her story, which inspired her moving book"Shattered Together," weaves together the threads of emotional healing,to the grand gifts and new found joy on the other side. It is a rawtestament to the resilience found within life’s devastation, and abeacon for those who are navigating the aftermath of unthinkabletragedy.The paths we tread are often shadowed by the footprints of ourancestors, and it's within these imprints that our own healing begins.In our candid, heart-to-heart exchange, we address the shift from beinga fixer in life to becoming a facilitator of healing, constructingspaces where souls can mend and flourish.In the winding roads of self-discovery and reinvention, Cathleen and Ishare experiences that reflect the courage it takes to listen to life'ssigns, redefine home, and the beauty of serendipitous encounters thatremind us we're part of a larger, interconnected tapestry. It's acelebration of instinct, the unexpected, and the universal truths thatoffer solace. Even in our deepest solitude, we are never truly alone,and everything can bring joy to our lives. Join us onthis beautiful guided adventure of the spirit.Contact Cathleen Elle:Email: cathleen@cathleenelle.comFacebook: Cathleen Elle InspiresLinkedIn: Cathleen ElleInstagram: @cathleenelleinspiresYouTube: Shattered Together ShowContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Jan 16, 2024
Embracing the Village of SupportAs we navigate the demands of family life, sometimes what we need mostis a guiding hand. That's precisely what Gayle Walker, founder and CEOof Life Doula, Inc., has become for so many families. On our latestpodcast, Gayle recounts her remarkable journey from nurse and NavalOfficer, to a beacon of support for new parents. She paints a vividpicture of her first foray into postpartum care while in Spain, and howthat experience planted the seeds for a business that extends amuch-needed lifeline to families during one of their most transformativestages.Community is the tapestry of our lives, and this episode weaves throughthe importance of embracing it fully. Our guest delves into the strengththat springs from vulnerability, and how welcoming help—be it from aneighbor, a housekeeper or a compassionate ear—can make a world ofdifference. We reflect on the loneliness that often shadows major lifeevents, and why leaning into the support of our personal villages can beour greatest source of power. Join us as we unpack the beauty ofinterconnectedness and the shared experiences that reinforce ourcollective resilience.We share insights on the profound impact of integrating children intohousehold routines, instilling a sense of belonging and teamwork fromthe earliest years. We also envision a world where parents can catchtheir breath, thanks to innovative ideas that offer a moment of respiteamidst the beautiful chaos of parenting. Listen for actionablestrategies that can help bring calm, organization, and even a bit ofsanity to the bustling life of a family.Contact Gayle L. WalkerEmail: info@mylifedoula.comPhone: (202) 599-1019Website: mylifedoula.comInstagram: @mylifedoulaFacebook: MyLife Doula LinkedIn: Gayle L. WalkerContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Jan 09, 2024
Have you ever met someone whose life story is so compelling that itmakes you reevaluate your own path? That's exactly what happened when weinvited Olivia Akin, the wise-beyond-her-years career whisperer, ontoour podcast. With a journey that has seen her transition from a juniorOlympian swimmer to a beacon of career development, Olivia doesn't justredefine success — she helps you live it. Her soul-stirring narrative ofovercoming an epilepsy diagnosis and pivoting from potential Olympicglory to excelling in various professional realms, exemplifies theresilience we all strive for.In an era where the career ladder seems more like a jungle gym, Olivia'sinsights are pure gold. Her multifaceted approach to mentorship,consulting, and embracing change is a testament to the power ofadaptability. As she opens up about guiding a diverse array of clients —from budding professionals to seasoned business owners — it's clear thather strategies for growth and embracing one's own "superpowers" are notjust theories, but tried-and-tested truths. Her story is proof that withthe right mindset, each challenge can indeed be a stepping stone to thenext achievement.But what about those moments when you're caught in the tornado of life'schoices, both personal and professional? Olivia's take on findingpassion and making decisions without regret is refreshing and real. Asshe prepares for an adventurous move to Alaska, she reminds us all thataligning with our joy is paramount, and the paths we choose — no matterhow daunting they may seem — are part of our unique success stories.Tune in to our conversation with Olivia Akin and discover how tonavigate your career path with confidence and clarity, all whilestaying true to what sets your heart alight.Check out Olivia's popular podcast, Achieving Success, on all listeningplatforms.Contact Olivia Atkin:Email: Website: @_achievingsuccessLinkedIn: Olivia AtkinTwitter: @_achievesuccessContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: We want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comFind us @LastingConversations on Facebook, and Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Jan 02, 2024
Pedaling for a PurposeEvery journey begins with a single step. Uli Schackmann's voyage is inbike pedal strokes that spans an incredible 6 months and 6,000 mileswith her service dog, Jackson, and a flag that waves for the ongoingfight and needed research for HIV/AIDS. Our latest episode welcomes Ulito recount the heartwarming tale of resilience captured in her book,”Uli's Journey: Angels Along the Way," where she reveals the manyhelpers met on both the road and in the fight for AIDS awareness. Wereminisce about the inception of this journey and how impromptuconnections can spearhead movements, break down barriers, and empowercommunities.When the open road calls, some answer with trepidation, while others,like Uli, embrace the wild unknown with trust and a heart open to thelessons it imparts. The second chapter of our conversation steersthrough the emotional terrain of navigating life's uncertainties—muchlike Uli's cross-country trek with Jackson. From close brushes withnature's unpredictability (aka grizzlies, cougars and rattlesnakes!) tothe reliance on the kindness of strangers for guidance and shelter,Uli's story captivates with its raw honesty and the parallels drawnbetween her journey and the lived experiences of those with terminalillnesses. Her poignant reflections on the AIDS memorial flag serve as areminder of the personal stories and struggles woven into the fabric ofour shared history.As we wrap up our discussion, we reflect on Uli's return to life's lessdramatic lanes, her thirst for purpose, and the role discomfort plays inpersonal growth. Our guest's transformative adventure illustrates theprofound impact of pursuing a vision, of dedicating one's efforts to acause larger than oneself. Uli's parting gift of the AIDS memorial flagto the World AIDS Museum symbolizes not just the end of a chapter, butthe ripples of change that continue long after the wheels stop turning.Join us for a story not just about miles pedaled, but about the roads wetravel to pursue freedom, growth, and the enduring call toaction for a cause that touches us on Facebookemail: uschack@hotmail.comContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn:, we want to hear from You! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comAnd, find us @LastingConversations on Facebook, Instagram, and watch theepisodes on our Lasting Conversations YouTube channel.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Dec 26, 2023
A little storytime to round out 2023! Heather curls up with Deborah Weed’s beautiful book, IF ONLY, to share messages of Faith, Love, Community, and Courage. Seasons change, life brings New, and we’re all here for the exhilarating ride, bumps and all. Step into the adventure and have a listen!Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn:, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email at podcasts@lastingconversations.comLasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Dec 19, 2023
The Transformative Power of Love, Presence, and PeaceA conversation with Becky Grabski is like stepping into a haven of calmamidst the chaos of life. As a psychic counselor, she carries an innerlight that guides those grappling with PTSD, trauma, and complex lifetransitions toward a healing path of self-discovery. Becky's emphasis,you ask? Love. But not the mushy, codependent kind. The kind that stemsfrom a genuine desire to help her clients unmask their true selves andemerge victorious through the darkest times.Have you ever wondered how your true self could shape the future ofhumanity? Within our dialogue, we explore that very thought. We addressthe fears that cloud our visions of the future and discuss embracing ourtrue selves as the blueprint for a brighter tomorrow. You'll soonrealize that your mind isn't the full picture of who you are. There's adeeper, inner self waiting to be discovered—a journey that requiresstepping out of fear's shadow and embracing authenticity. We also touchupon familial dynamics, especially during the holiday season, andprovide practical advice on infusing gatherings with positive energy andlaughter.Just when you think things can't get more interesting, Becky introducesher own podcast launching in 2024: Going Deep with Becky; Conversationsabout what makes life worth living. We also delve into the story behindan enchanting screen in her living room, decked with elephants and palmtrees. It's not just about home decor but about the energy shift suchitems can bring into our lives. As we wrap up our enlighteningdiscussion, we reflect on the importance of self-discovery. Remember,every challenge can pave the way for personal growth. So, join us, won'tyou? Embark on this insightful journey that underscores the value ofauthenticity, love, and self-awareness in creating a life of purpose andpeace.Contact Becky Grabski:Website:BeckyGrabski.comFacebook: BeckyGrabskiFacebook: BeckyGrabski, Psychic CounselorIG: @BeckyGrabskiContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn:, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, and questions, or as a show sponsor, via email
Dec 12, 2023
Wondering what lies at the intersection of your gut health, diet, and overall wellbeing? Join us as we decode this with Reneè Barash, the Tummy Whisperer, a certified digestive health coach who has made it her mission to help people understand the myriad connections between gut health and facets of our life including sleep patterns, skin conditions, and hormonal balance. We delve into the possible role a Western diet and genetically modified foods play on our bodies and underline the significance of a clean lifestyle for a healthier gut. Whatever that means for you. Next, we tackle an age-old question: what is the relationship between our mind and our digestive health? The answer might surprise you! We discuss the importance of a balanced diet, but also highlight how our minds and even our emotions can influence gut health. In a fascinating twist, we also explore the role of sound and energy in healing and relaxation; with a few simple tips. Reneé takes a very personalized approach to discover the right path each person needs to optimize their body systems. She encourages the opportunity to look beyond traditional medical tests and consider other factors like stress and diet, in the quest for achieving a balanced state.Lastly, we take a deep dive into the more intricate aspects of health. We discuss how our bodies hold onto trauma and negative emotions, and how that impacts our physical health. We also confront the challenge of navigating through the overwhelming amount of dietary information and debunking a few myths that are doing the rounds. Reneé emphasizes the power of intuition in health and the need to experiment with different foods to discover what works best for us. This is an enlightening discussion, that is quite literally, food for thought!Contact Renee Barasch:Email: Nhsolutions@sbcglobal.netWebsite: a FREE Gut Health consultation, visit us at: Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn:, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, and questions, or as a show sponsor, via email Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Dec 05, 2023
Bask in the joy of celebration as we commemorate our 60th episode! Asyour host, Heather Lockett, I invite you to join me on a nostalgicjourney, where we relive our favorite moments and revisit the amazingguests that have graced our podcast. We’ll also amble down memory lane,reminiscing impromptu chats, all while appreciating the serendipitousthreads binding our diverse topics - health, business, education,relationships, special needs, and community.In the eye of life's storm, we often seek peace. Join us as we navigatethrough this theme, leaning on the wisdom of our guests who have sharedtheir unique perspectives on grief, art, music, and the invincible powerof human connection. We'll also emphasize the importance of self-careand the pursuit of joy in adversity. As we face the future, we'llexplore the coming growth in our podcast and our roadmap for theincoming episodes. As always, we're grateful for your unwaveringsupport. So, here's to embracing change, continuing our shared quest forknowledge, and celebrating the thrill of new beginnings!Celebrating Milestones: Reflections, Gratitude, and the Roadmap toContinued ExplorationContact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn:, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, and questions, or as a show sponsor, via email Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Nov 28, 2023
Can you consciously create your life? Shake off the ties that can bindyou up? Unearth the encompassing joy in your heart. Meet Wali Waiters:renowned executive TV producer & director, author, visionary, author,coach, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker. Wali’s gift of clarity helpspeople see Themselves clearly, tapping into their own greatness andpower.Our conversation delves into a myriad of topics that encompassleadership of home, business, and self; plus the inner voices of love andcommunity. Wali’s ability to mesmerize an audience, whether it’s anaudience of one or thousands, has a lasting effect that can touch thehearts of those who listen. Hear as he guides us on an intriguingjourney of conscious creation. From decoding the language of intuitionto seizing opportunities of faith, Wali shares how we can shape ourlives, punctuating the narrative with his own personal experiences. Wealso touch on the transformative power of gratitude, authenticity, andempathy.Wrapping up this enlightening conversation, there’s an encouragement totune in to your inner ‘radio station’ and understand the importance ofself-reflection, wisdom, and connection. Join us on this journey ofintrospection and transformation!Contact Wali Waiters:Email: Facebook: @waliwaiters_consciouscreatorLinkedIn: we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor.Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comPhone: (561) 831-8356Website: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Nov 21, 2023
Play, Fun, Joy, Learning! The effervescent and wise, Lisa Poskanzer,weaves us through the intricate world of communication in education.The focus is on how play, and other engagements, help students,teachers, and administrators break the day-to-day drudgery of what canfeel like uphill battles or stressful days. As the co-founder of Improv2 Improve, LLC., discover how the various communication styles acrosscultures impact children's self-identification and learning. Learn howphysical improvisation games are used to enhance connection and languageskills in children, and even the adults in the classroom.Our conversation extends to the elasticity of the brain, itssignificance in teaching, and the need to understand how importantcreative resources, play, and outside-the-box curriculums are for the bestoutcomes. Lisa's expertise provides a fresh perspective on the educationlandscape, making this episode essential for educators and parentsalike. Improv 2 Improve, LLC., creates fun, interactive, joyfullearning programs for children and the adults who care for them. Even ifyou are past the “kid stage”, this is an important conversation for allof us. Tune in to ignite your curiosity about communication, education,and the art of learning. Lisa's enthusiasm is infectious! Lisa Poskanzer is the Co-Founder and Director of Joy for Improv 2Improve. She's a lifelong improviser, word-lover, and educator. Lisa(and her partners) created i2i: a PK-12th grade Professional Developmentcurriculum for teachers and childcare workers to practice speaking,listening, socializing, creating, and problem-solving in the classroom.Contact Lisa Poskanzer: Email: lisap@improv2improvesel.comPhone Number: 561-283-4835Website: www.improv2improvesel.comFacebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor.Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comWebsite: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Nov 14, 2023
Get ready for an enlightening conversation with Jill Karlin Butler, an inspiring figure who wears many hats - an artist, yogi, visionary, and master gardener. Our chat traces her dynamic journey, from painting historic buildings in West Palm Beach to spearheading tree preservation campaigns. Her tale takes an endearing turn when she crosses paths with Lee Butler, a vanguard in environmental architecture. This serendipitous union fuels a shared passion for a greener world and forms the heart of our discourse.The conversation takes an innovative twist as we explore Lee's groundbreaking work. His invention, the gravity geothermal envelope, presents an exciting potential for self-sustainable buildings. Despite policy hurdles, this technology promises to revolutionize living spaces, even in harsh environments. Drawing insights from Lee's book, Ekosea Homes, we delve into the unique concept of natural energy-conserving design. As we traverse from floating buildings to sustainable living, we imagine a world where these ecological solutions are globally embraced. Strap in, because this is one enlightening journey you won't want to miss!Contact Jill Karlin Butler:Website: www.TheDolphinDream.comAnd we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor.Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comWebsite: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Nov 07, 2023
Artistry, sustainability, yoga, adventure - just a few words thatdescribe the life of our vivacious guest, Jill Karlin Butler. Thisepisode peels back the layers of Jill's colorful life, starting with herchildhood, where her mother's artistry and joy of life, formed thefoundation of her creative soul. We delve into her unique approach tocreating art, focusing on balance, beauty, and truth. A dolphin's dream! The studio was glowing with so many samples of Jill's art, fashion andpassion!Get ready for some heartwarming stories about her family, and a hint ofwhat's coming next - her husband, Lee Butler, Ekotecture visionary, andher decision to be a champion for all things conscious, grace-filled andprofoundly human.Roll up your travel sleeves, we're journeying to India with Jill!Explore the vibrant landscape through her eyes, as she recounts herexperiences of painting and traveling in the country. From the earlymorning rides on city buses to the lively Pushkar Camel Fair, Jillpaints a vivid picture of India. and discuss the importance ofcommunity in her life. This is not just an episode; it's an enchantingblend of art, culture, and the human experience. Trust me, you don'twant to miss out on this!And our visit with Jill continues next week in Episode 57; we justcouldn't get enough, there is so much more to explore!Contact Jill Karlin Butler:Website: And we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor.Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comWebsite: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: Instagram: @LastingConversationsLinkedIn: Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Oct 31, 2023
Ever grappled with the complexities of dyslexia or know someone who has? Join us in a riveting conversation with dedicated educator Tamika Taylor, who has turned her own experiences with dyslexia into a tool to empower children facing similar learning challenges. As a mother to four boys and a vocal advocate for children with dyslexia, Tamika shares her unique perspective on the education system, hinting at the gaps that need urgent attention and strategies that can benefit all learners.Tamika's narrative shines a spotlight on the importance of understanding the individual needs of each student. In her work with the Palm Beach County School District, she emphasizes the necessity for teachers and administrators to collaborate and adapt to serve those needs. This episode delves into the criticality of mastering foundational skills and highlights how changes in curriculum, textbooks, and teaching methods can influence a student's learning journey. We also examine the signs that parents can look out for, from comprehension difficulties to behavioral changes, as indicators of learning disadvantages.In addition to discussing these critical issues, Tamika also shares her innovative solutions. Through the Impact Achievement Learning Center, she provides invaluable resources for children with learning challenges. The conversation also turns towards the importance of creating safe and open spaces for children, an area where Tamika passionately invests her efforts. Listen in to learn how you can support these initiatives and contribute towards making quality education accessible for all children. Tune in today, because this isn't just an episode, it's a call to action.Contact Tamika Taylor:Website: impactachievementcenter@gmail.comAnd we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor. Contact Heather S Lockett:Email: podcasts@lastingconversations.comWebsite: http://www.lastingconversations.comFacebook: @LastingConversations Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Oct 24, 2023
Janine Stella is rocking it with Heather today! As a former StudioDirector, Janine helped Heather birth Lasting Conversations exactly a yearago, and now she has her own company and creative space, calledStellaMix in Delray Beach, Florida. In this fun episode, we look backon each of our journeys, discussing what kinds of nudges show up tocatalyze us toward a move into a greater calling. And, is work work, orplay? How about mentors and the people supporting us? What is thevision of this show, and what makes us different than some of the rest?Where can you fit in, and participate, as part of our global community?This is a soft place to land amidst the shake-ups in our world; have alisten.And want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out withcomments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comAnd, find us @LastingConversations on Facebook.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Oct 17, 2023
Navigating the raw, tumultuous path of grief is a daunting endeavor foranyone. Yet, when a child loses a parent, a sibling, or even friend, thecomplexity magnifies. The question we pose today is, how can we helpchildren cope with such profound loss? Our guest, Valerie Staggs,returns, this time in a candid conversation about love, loss, andhealing, as we unearth answers to this essential question.Grief, often perceived as an adult emotion, engulfs children too, asobering reality that our society frequently overlooks. Valerie was awidow at 42 with a 7 year old son, who treaded through the delicate taskof guiding her boy through the loss of his dad, and reveals how herpersonal journey sowed the seeds for her book, This Side of Heaven. Wealso survey the common practices of shielding children from sorrow, plusthe evolving role of schools and communities, in showing compassion togrieving children.In the second part of our conversation, we delve into Valerie'sbrainchild, Pandora's Kids, a nonprofit organization born out of her ownexperiences with her son, and the lack of broader resources forchildren. Pandora’s Kids is a fun way to socialize, come together withother kids in a shared circumstance, and have an outlet not to feelalone or ostracized. The camaraderie of these children, and theirability to just Be together, is incredibly beneficial. What does ittake to reach out to grieving families, and how do organizations likePandora's Kids provide comfort and a semblance of normalcy? Could thisunique model be replicated on a global scale? We tackle these questionsand much more. We wrap up our critical discussion by exploring ways tohelp children navigate their grief and loss, from fostering open,meaningful conversations to creating ceremonies to honor their lovedones. Listen in as we explore the journey of grief, as a path, thoughdifficult, can offer joy, laughter, hope, and love.Valerie Staggs can be contacted via PandorasKids.orgAnd, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comAnd, find us @LastingConversations on Facebook.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”Heather S Lockett(561) 818-2279
Oct 10, 2023
We're celebrating a milestone together! That's right, October marks one year of the Lasting Conversations podcast, and I couldn't have done it without you, our dedicated listeners. We’ve journeyed together through insightful dialogues, touching on everything from health, family, education, and owls! Always celebrating ordinary folks doing extraordinary things. This week, I'm expressing my sheer delight as we rank among the top 10% of global podcasts, so let's pause and soak in this achievement, it's as much yours as it is mine!Reflecting on our past year's journey, we've traversed a wide landscape, dissecting pivotal topics like genetic testing, sound vibrations, and business ventures; delving into what is available to us now, and what the future might hold. My new team and I, are preparing for, and continuing to, provide a platform where every voice matters. A soft place to land, in a sea of Loud. As we embark on a new year of engaging conversations, I invite you to stay tuned with us, and share with your friends & colleagues; because what we’ve covered is just the beginning. Together, we'll keep pushing boundaries and elevating voices, making Lasting Conversations a beacon of substance in a world that sorely needs it.And, we want to hear from you! Be a part of the Conversation! Reach out with comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email at podcasts@lastingconversations.comAnd, find us @LastingConversations on Facebook.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”
Oct 03, 2023
Ever wonder why there seems to be a shortage of skilled tradespeople inthe workforce? Dive into a candid conversation with Valerie Staggs,founder of Take On Trades, as we explore the reasons behind thischallenging phenomenon. From budget cuts in vocational programs toincreased demand for infrastructure projects, we discuss the myriad ofreasons contributing to this crisis. Valerie sheds light on the impactof this shortage on businesses and emphasizes the necessity of a skilledworkforce. These days, there is a fresh way of communicating withthe next generation, so Valerie is keen on bridging conventionalcompanies with the new world of today’s workers.We also challenge the common belief that success only comes with acollege degree. There is an importance of young people knowing it’s okayto explore other avenues if college is not their path, and how this canopen the door towards fulfilling careers. Valerie shares how companiesoffer apprenticeships, training, and certifications, allowingindividuals to work immediately after high school, debt-free. Listen inas we uncover the benefits of non-traditional career paths and discusshow Take On Trades is creating a stronger connection between the tradeindustry, employers, and workers.Contact Valerie Staggs:Website: TakeOnTrades.comAnd we want to hear from you; be a part of the Conversation! Reach outwith comments, questions, or as a show sponsor, via email atpodcasts@lastingconversations.comAnd, find us @LastingConversations on Facebook.Lasting Conversations"We get to the HEART of everything!”