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Feeling Stuck? Create THIS List Instead! With Coach (+ Recovering Perfectionist!) Monica Packer
Feeling Stuck? Create THIS List Instead! With Coach (+ Recovering Perfectionist!) Monica Packer

Feeling Stuck? Create THIS List Instead! With Coach (+ Recovering Perfectionist!) Monica Packer

Ever felt stuck in the 'perfection trap'? If so, you’re not alone, friend! In fact, the Harvard Business Review shares that their rates of perfectionism have increased by statistically significant amounts from 1989 to 2016. Which is why I'm thrilled to have Monica Packer, the woman behind About Progress, joining us today. She's not your average mom of 5—Monica's a pro at kicking perfection to the curb and embracing growth instead!In our chat, we're spilling the tea on perfectionism and that the sneaky fear of failing that keeps us from even starting. Monica's journey—from perfection paralysis to a making progress—is truly inspiring and will encourage you into action too!And my personal favorite thing we chatted about is Monica’s 'do something list.' It's like your daily adventure guide, minus the pressure of hardcore goals. Plus, we'll talk about savoring the little things while chasing the big dreams—trust me, it's all about finding joy in the journey.Stick around for tips, laughs, and a sprinkle of inspiration from Monica . Let's dive in and break free from perfection together!Connect with Monica: @aboutprogress | About Progress Podcast | Do Something List FREE Training---✍ Take the Complimentary Self Care Auditwww.mskatehouse.com/audit🚗 Test-drive the Live By Design Collective, and hop into our complimentary Masterclass on Overwhelming Overwhelm so you can experience what it's like to be one of us for yourself!Access the Masterclass Here💌 Connect via email at kate@mskatehouse.com📷 Or send me a DM or voice memo at @mskatehouse on Instagram⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇Ready to work together? 💗 I’m here to serve as your Empowerment Coach:1️⃣ In community inside of the Live By Design Collectivewww.mskatehouse.com/lbdcollective2️⃣ Through one-on-one Empowerment Coachingwww.mskatehouse.com/coaching3️⃣ Inside of the self-paced Pursue Your Purpose Masterclasswww.mskatehouse.com/purpose4️⃣ Or by tuning in to either of my free virtual summits:➡️The Goals with Soul Summit: www.mskatehouse.com/goalswithsoulsummit➡️The Empowered Self Summit: ...

Feeling Stuck? Create THIS List Instead! With Coach (+ Recovering Perfectionist!) Monica Packer

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