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Pushing Regenerative Agriculture To The Mainstream With Josh Tickell
Pushing Regenerative Agriculture To The Mainstream With Josh Tickell

Pushing Regenerative Agriculture To The Mainstream With Josh Tickell

Regenerative agriculture is not just the solution to reinvigorating soil health and improving the way we eat. It can also address the long list of problems caused by humanity’s addiction to the extraction economy. Corinna Bellizzi sits down with Josh Tickell, an environmental activist and filmmaker behind the award-winning documentary “Common Ground.” He shares how he tackles the urgent need to embrace regenerative agriculture today through his film, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival and coming soon to Amazon Prime this April. Josh also discusses how the public can take action and join the regenerative movement, which aims to unlock better farming opportunities put an end to the use of destructive chemicals, and encourage people to eat more healthily.About Guest:Josh Tickell is an environmental activist, acclaimed filmmaker, and bestselling author. A renowned speaker and authority on regeneration and climate change, he frequently appears on CNN, Discovery, Reuters, NBC, Fox, and NPR. With his wife, Rebecca Harrell Tickell, he co-founded Big Picture Ranch, a regenerative farm and film studio creating impactful environmental films. Their latest documentary, Common Ground, narrated by Jason Momoa, Laura Dern, Donald Glover, Rosario Dawson, and Ian Somerhalder, is the sequel to Kiss the Ground. Directed and produced by Josh and Rebecca, the film premiered at the Tribeca Festival, earning the Human/Nature Award for its powerful message about regenerative agriculture and its potential to combat climate change.Guest LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshtickell/ Guest Website:https://www.bigpictureranch.com https://kissthegroundmovie.com https://commongroundfilm.orgGuest Social: https://www.instagram.com/joshtickell/ https://www.facebook.com/EcoDude/ https://www.instagram.com/commongroundfilm https://www.youtube.com/@commongroundfilmhttps://instagram.com/kissthegroundhttps://www.youtube.com/@KissTheGround

Pushing Regenerative Agriculture To The Mainstream With Josh Tickell

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