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Breaking down sugar addiction, dopamine-sensitivity and ADHD
Breaking down sugar addiction, dopamine-sensitivity and ADHD

Breaking down sugar addiction, dopamine-sensitivity and ADHD

On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Dr Avena and Kate talk about:The link between sugar addiction and dopamine-seeking brainsThe effects of dopamine released by sugar consumption on the brain Why you might find it challenging to cut out sugar How processed sugar affects ADHD children How sugar affects your body and your health Parenting and teaching our kids nutritional choicesTeaching your children about consuming processed sugar Having a highly sensitive dopamine systemManaging a sugar addiction and regaining control Curbing your sugar cravings and bingesOur busy society doesn't lend itself to healthy eatingADHD and female social expectationsimplementing small incremental changes to help reduce sugar addictionShowing ourselves compassion when consuming sugarUnderstanding sugar addiction compared to other addictionsRegaining control over our sugar addictionLearning to bring in more balance when consuming sugary foods

Breaking down sugar addiction, dopamine-sensitivity and ADHD

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