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Mini episode: Nicole Goodman
Mini episode: Nicole Goodman

Mini episode: Nicole Goodman

Going against the grain of negativity, sometimes when everyone else is complaining we feel like we should be too, Kate and her guest, Nicole try to breakdown this mindset and own when actually you feel pretty great!Kate and her guest, Nicole Goodman discuss the importance of having confidence in ourselves as women, our innate knowledge, intuition and power and how we can lean into all of it and own what you really want in your life.Having been a hairdresser for many years Nicole could feel the need for change within her, with a love for learning and growth she re-trained to be a coach and fell in love with the modality and the ability it gave her to help women with their confidence throughout all stages of their lives.Ambitions manifest differently for everyone and in this podcast series, Kate will be hearing about the different journeys and challenges her guests have faced whilst balancing their wellbeing & spiritual aspirations, career goals, family lives and the often-forgotten self-care.Self Care ClubWelcome to a new episode of ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom! Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly-diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity and clarity. Follow the podcast on Instagram hereFollow Kate on Instagram hereFind Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here
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