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84. Caryn Sullivan: Hope with the Roller Coaster of Cancer
84. Caryn Sullivan: Hope with the Roller Coaster of Cancer

84. Caryn Sullivan: Hope with the Roller Coaster of Cancer

Cancer, chronic illness and many hardships can be devastating but you don't have to be devastated. Focusing your attitude on hope can be challenging during hard times, though studies do prove there are many healing benefits. This podcast, "Happiness through Hardship" and this mini-episode speak to how I use hope to help me heal and find a little happiness on the roller coaster ride of cancer, parenting and beyond. SHOW NOTES 3:06 - Health status - what's going on now - 8 years with stage IV cancer 6:07 - How I find hope through my medical and holistic team 7:27 - How I find hope through wellness and why it's important 12:32 - How I find hope and help through my support system 14:10 - How I find hope through stories and role models 17:58 - Asking for help 23:32 - How little things bring big joy 24:41 - How I find hope through research More cancer conversations: https://prettywellness.com/cancer-conversations/ "Happiness through Hardship - The Book and Journal for Cancer Survivors, Their Caregivers and Friends:" amzn.to/39PAjuT Crazy Sexy Kris and my favorite plant-based foods - https://amzn.to/3LKj8NG "Anti-Cancer Living:" https://amzn.to/3NTlcEX "Dirty Grandpa" movie: https://amzn.to/3DJYpa1 PLACES TO DONATE - Discussed The Cancer Couch Foundation - A 501(c)3 charity funding metastatic breast cancer research where 100% of donations and event proceeds are matched: https://www.thecancercouch.com/donations.html Breast Friends Fund - A non-profit program where funds are raised for metastatic breast cancer research: http://www.breastfriendsfund.org/ Infinite Strength - A non-profit organization offering strength and support for metastatic breast cancer single moms and their kids: https://www.infinitestrength.org/donate START - A non-profit organization providing FREE digital parenting resources: https://www.westartnow.org/about Looking for more advice - check out these mini-episodes aka cancer conversations on "Happiness through Hardship" - The Podcast: https://prettywellness.com/cancer-conversations/ or for other inspirational stories: https://prettywellness.com/podcast CONNECT with us www.PrettyWellness.com/podcast - for more information on the podcast episodes 
www.PrettyWellness.com/cancer-resources - easily accessible cancer information Our Social Media:
 www.Instagram.com/prettywellness www.Facebook.com/PrettyWellness www.Twitter.com/PrettyWellness To Buy the Book:
 Happiness through Hardship - The Book: amzn.to/39PAjuT To Donate a Book to a Cancer Center:

84. Caryn Sullivan: Hope with the Roller Coaster of Cancer

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