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REMASTERED:  He Walked His Talk, with Tom Ziglar (Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Sales)
REMASTERED:  He Walked His Talk, with Tom Ziglar (Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Sales)

REMASTERED: He Walked His Talk, with Tom Ziglar (Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Sales)

Author, CEO of Ziglar, Inc, and son of legendary speaker and salesman Zig Ziglar, Tom Ziglar, explains how intentional = meaningful and the importance of getting a check-up from the neck up, and shares some of Zig’s favorite foods and activities, what he was like offstage, and why to “be, do, have”, in that order.

REMASTERED: He Walked His Talk, with Tom Ziglar (Motivation, Inspiration, Success, Sales)

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