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Dr. Adam Cohen & Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson: Flourishing in the Yom Kippur Fast
Dr. Adam Cohen & Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson: Flourishing in the Yom Kippur Fast

Dr. Adam Cohen & Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson: Flourishing in the Yom Kippur Fast

In today's episode, we continue the discussion about fasting, as we hear from two scholars about research focusing on what is considered the holiest day of the year in Judaism: Yom Kippur. During the 25-hour Day of Atonement, observant Jews focus on deepening their relationship with God through prayer, community connection, and by fasting. Over the last three years, two Arizona State University researchers, professor of psychology Dr. Adam Cohen and associate research professor Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson, have been on a scientific mission to understand the universal impact of the fasting ritual, asking whether abstaining from food and drink during this Jewish High Holiday deepens virtue, social cohesion, and personal well-being. Read the transcript of this episode
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Dr. Adam Cohen & Dr. Kathryn A. Johnson: Flourishing in the Yom Kippur Fast

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