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Ep. 92: How to Be Brave A: 5-Step Program With Shakira Sison
Ep. 92: How to Be Brave A: 5-Step Program With Shakira Sison

Ep. 92: How to Be Brave A: 5-Step Program With Shakira Sison

Two-time Palanca Award winner, Rappler columnist, essayist, and author Shakira Sison wants you to be brave. She doesn’t mean “raging in anger and waving your fists in the air to fight, but the kind of bravery you feel in your chests when you’re reading something that empowers you or makes you feel like you don’t have to stay where you are or wait to be rescued or for what is handed to you. The kind that makes you want to better yourself and find your own way and be independent.”

Ep. 92: How to Be Brave A: 5-Step Program With Shakira Sison

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