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Disability and Human-Centered AI and Policy: How Assistive and Algorithmic Pretext can Serve Everyone? with  Yonah Welker
Disability and Human-Centered AI and Policy: How Assistive and Algorithmic Pretext can Serve Everyone? with  Yonah Welker

Disability and Human-Centered AI and Policy: How Assistive and Algorithmic Pretext can Serve Everyone? with Yonah Welker

 Yonah Welker is a serial technologist, entrepreneur/boardholder, public expert and voice for the algorithmic spectrum - algorithms and policies addressing nations, society, human capacity, designated groups and spectrums (inc. cognitive and neurodisabilities etc) such as social and human-centered AI, robotics, emerging learning, work, health and city solutions.   Listen to the podcast where he shares his insights on how assistive and algorithmic pretext can serve everyone. 

Disability and Human-Centered AI and Policy: How Assistive and Algorithmic Pretext can Serve Everyone? with Yonah Welker

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