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3 years of rejections - Future Trainee Solicitor at Bird & Bird with ADHD and Dyspraxia
3 years of rejections - Future Trainee Solicitor at Bird & Bird with ADHD and Dyspraxia

3 years of rejections - Future Trainee Solicitor at Bird & Bird with ADHD and Dyspraxia

We meet Sana Malik, a prospective Bird & Bird Trainee Solicitor and LPC student with ADHD and Dyspraxia, in this episode. We start by discussing Sana's experience getting diagnosed and navigating her Paralegal and Banking roles and Legal Internships with undiagnosed neurodivergence, then we talk about rejection during four unsuccessful application rounds and how she got a TC.  Finally, we hear Sana's insights into what more the legal sector can do for neurodiversity, building inner confidence, and what drew her to her current firm, Bird & Bird, an international law firm with a focus on technology (35 minutes onwards).Transcript alongside audio recording - https://otter.ai/u/RenolRw7OYe14j5cVgFNcZcG8poSana's Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sana-malik-27632a110/EmployAbility - https://www.employ-ability.org.uk/Bird & Bird "NeuroNetwork" via Early Careers Officer Rachel Boyle - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rachel-boyle-a3974098_diversity-inclusionmatters-neurodiversity-activity-6889255176855797760-ZZtF?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

3 years of rejections - Future Trainee Solicitor at Bird & Bird with ADHD and Dyspraxia

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