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Claire Ullman and Sandy Radoff of Students for Justice
Claire Ullman and Sandy Radoff of Students for Justice

Claire Ullman and Sandy Radoff of Students for Justice

On this episode, Nancy speaks with Claire Ullman and Sandy Radoff of the voter outreach group Students for Justice. In 2020, Claire was a professor who was trying to help her students whose summer jobs had gone up in smoke during the covid lockdown. Sandy was an active volunteer with the https://www.centerforcommonground.org/ (Center for Common Ground). The two of them saw an untapped resource to help get out the vote of people of color in voter suppression states, and Students for Justice was born. Sandy, Claire and Nancy discuss repurposing skills from earlier careers to do good; the importance of giving students leadership and political organizing experience; building intergenerational bonds; and the very real impact that postcards, phonebanking, textbanking and social media outreach have on elections. If you liked my earlier conversation with Andrea Miller, founder of the Center of Common Ground, you’ll love learning about the ripple effects of her work here. And it’s easy for you to get involved by hosting a virtual house party to introduce your friends to Students for Justice. Just go to the “House Parties” link on their website. To learn more about Students for Justice, go to http://studentsforjusticevote.org (studentsforjusticevote.org).

Claire Ullman and Sandy Radoff of Students for Justice

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