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Episode 5 It’s Like She’s Not Even There: Misogyny, Masculinity, and Different Cultures
Episode 5 It’s Like She’s Not Even There: Misogyny, Masculinity, and Different Cultures

Episode 5 It’s Like She’s Not Even There: Misogyny, Masculinity, and Different Cultures

In this episode, Parinita and Anna Raymondou talk about representations of gender in the Harry Potter book and movie series and in the TV show Supernatural. We discuss the impact that movie adaptations have on how characters and relationships are portrayed in popular media. We also chat about the different depictions of masculinity and misogyny in both Supernatural and Harry Potter. We discuss social conditioning and women’s internalised misogyny (Fleur Delacour deserved better!) as well as the gendered labour of the resistance (Molly Weasley also deserved better except when she was being horrible to Fleur!). As Harry Potter fangirls, we like how the series provides us with a new mythology, folklore and culture. Anna discusses the Greek mythological inspirations in the books. We love how the Potterverse can be read through diverse cultural lenses and has room for multiple mythological interpretations. At the same time, fandom has educated us both about the problematic portrayals of other cultures in the Potterverse – specifically the anti-Semitic undertones and the appropriation of Native American beliefs. We talk about the responsibility that creators with a wide audience have in portraying marginalised cultures and learning from their missteps. Finally, Anna chats about the role of fandom in finding a supportive community and how it can make an active difference on people’s mental well-being.

Episode 5 It’s Like She’s Not Even There: Misogyny, Masculinity, and Different Cultures

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