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Episode 11 She Has To Fight Smart: Representations Of Women Warriors In Media And History
Episode 11 She Has To Fight Smart: Representations Of Women Warriors In Media And History

Episode 11 She Has To Fight Smart: Representations Of Women Warriors In Media And History

In this episode, Parinita talks to T. G. Shepherd also known as Lisa about the representation of women warriors in media and history. There are perceived gender roles and gender disparities in different styles of martial arts with some being considered too brutal for women. People’s gender also impacts their experiences in the environment they’re training to fight in. Comics have a long history of representing women warriors who have been aspirational role models for countless young people and adults. However, the overall representations of female fighters in media involve tired tropes rather than realistic, fully-fleshed out characters. This reflects the erasure of women warriors in real-world history which overlooks how women from different parts of the world overcame social, cultural and legal barriers to fight. Fortunately, there are a growing number of representations of women warriors with different skills, bodies and abilities working together. Magic or advanced technology in science fiction and fantasy worlds limits the role gender plays among good fighters. Mainstream comics are becoming increasingly diverse and often act as people’s first encounters with different lives. Fanfiction has tremendous transformative potential in questioning the norm and exploring alternate possibilities, though even there, gender dynamics play a role in the kind of stories which are taken seriously. The internet and more diverse academic researchers play a huge role in bringing traditionally marginalised stories about women leaders and fighters to light. However, there needs to be more intersectional representations of fighters in science fiction and fantasy to include different ages, races, abilities, religions, sexual and gender identities. Lisa owns this art of Mockingbird which has been illustrated by Valentine Barker: valentinebarker.com/

Episode 11 She Has To Fight Smart: Representations Of Women Warriors In Media And History

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