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Episode 14 We Don't Know What To Do With Them: Representations of Older Women in Media
Episode 14 We Don't Know What To Do With Them: Representations of Older Women in Media

Episode 14 We Don't Know What To Do With Them: Representations of Older Women in Media

Parinita talks to Deb Dimond Young about how older women are represented in media and the impact this has on culture and society. Mainstream media values youth and ageing is associated with loss and bitterness. But what is old anyway? The idea is socially constructed and varies across historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. Essentialist ideas in media dictate what people of a certain age – both old and young – are supposed to do. The portrayal of women over a certain age is rife with stereotypes – that is, if these representations even exist in the first place. Mothers are represented in limited roles with their identities tied to their husbands and children. These negative tropes influence real-life interactions and mainstream imaginations. A gendered contradiction means that older men in media are allowed to retain the agency and power that women aren’t. Romance, sex and sexuality is largely absent in portrayals of older women. While there are media examples of women disrupting expectations and going off on their own adventures, these are few and far between. We need more stories and more people telling these stories. Expanding the diversity of ages behind the screen can change the narratives that we value.

Episode 14 We Don't Know What To Do With Them: Representations of Older Women in Media

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