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Episode 17 See Different Possibilities: Alternative Relationship and Economic Structures in Fandom
Episode 17 See Different Possibilities: Alternative Relationship and Economic Structures in Fandom

Episode 17 See Different Possibilities: Alternative Relationship and Economic Structures in Fandom

In this episode, Parinita talks to Marita Arvaniti about alternative relationship and economic structures in fandom, media, and society. Fanfiction experiments with different kinds of characters, themes, and stories which are often absent in mainstream media. Fanfiction offers a space for those people who lack access to traditional publishing structures to find an audience for different kinds of ideas. Fans can write any kind of story they want without worrying about whether it will sell. This freedom from capitalist consumption allows fans to imagine alternatives to current systems. However, fandom isn’t without its class politics. The open accessibility of fan texts offers empowering possibilities. At the same time, creating fan texts requires different kinds of skills, costs, and access to technology. Moreover, online fandom features a large number of fans from marginalised groups who offer their time and labour for free. Not everybody can afford to do this work just because they love it. This limits the diversity of voices who can participate. Nevertheless, fandom exposes people to ideas they may not have encountered in mainstream media and society. Fanfic exploring polyamorous, asexual, aromantic and platonic relationships allows people to imagine family structures other than the heterosexual nuclear family default. Such stories can challenge and expand ideas about the conception of families. Traditional family structures negatively impact women, queer, and poor people in different ways. Developing alternate family structures isn’t just a queer, feminist, and socialist project but also involves a process of decolonisation. Maybe that’s why so many women, including myself, have ongoing fantasies of communes which allow us to envision the kind of lives and communities we want to build. Find our conversation about all this and more in today’s episode!

Episode 17 See Different Possibilities: Alternative Relationship and Economic Structures in Fandom

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