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Episode 19 So What Are We Missing? Exploring Representations of Marginalised Genders in Media and Society
Episode 19 So What Are We Missing? Exploring Representations of Marginalised Genders in Media and Society

Episode 19 So What Are We Missing? Exploring Representations of Marginalised Genders in Media and Society

In this episode, Aparna, Sanjana and Parinita chat about different representations of genders, gender identities and gender expressions in media, fandom and the real world. They discuss some difficult issues related to depression, suicide and sexual violence so please consider this a content warning. In mainstream media and popular culture, women’s representations can be quite limited. Stories about women frequently end up catering to the dominant gaze – full of tropes and stereotypes or examples which exceptionalise. Such representations offer limited conceptions of being a person in the world. If you consider intersections of other identities within gender, the situation is even starker. Moreover, discussions of women’s rights, equality and representation can result in very narrow views of who should be included and who should be excluded. Much like with intersectional feminism, representations in media need to be inclusive of different identities – not just the most privileged within the marginalised group. Of course, accepting and demanding difference doesn’t always come easily. Unlearning ideas that you’ve been socially conditioned into requires an active effort and is quite realistically a lifelong, ongoing process. Critical and intersectional discussions in fandom and social media provide access to a diversity of experiences. This can help disrupt ideas that were previously taken for granted and draw attention to new ways of thinking about stories and the world. Once this critical gaze is unlocked, it’s difficult to put it away.

Episode 19 So What Are We Missing? Exploring Representations of Marginalised Genders in Media and Society

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