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Nice Churchy Patriarchy - with author Liz Cooledge Jenkins
Nice Churchy Patriarchy - with author Liz Cooledge Jenkins

Nice Churchy Patriarchy - with author Liz Cooledge Jenkins

Amy is joined by author and preacher Liz Cooledge Jenkins to discuss her book, Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women's Humanity from Evangelicalism, and dig into ongoing tensions between egalitarianism and complementarianism, plus advice for individuals no longer feeling aligned with their church community.Liz Cooledge Jenkins is a writer, preacher, former college campus minister, and the author of Nice Churchy Patriarchy: Reclaiming Women's Humanity from Evangelicalism. She writes at the intersections of faith, feminism, and social justice, and her work can be found at places like Sojourners, The Christian Century, Christians for Social Action, and Feminism and Religion, as well as her new substack, Growing into Kinship, and her blog: lizcooledgejenkins.com.

Nice Churchy Patriarchy - with author Liz Cooledge Jenkins

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