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Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164
Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164

Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164

How do you decide when to publish your creative work? Is there a point at which you say it's "good enough"? Or do you have a tendency to polish and play around with those "last final tweaks" indefinitely? This week, we're talking about what it means to do your best in a world where "best" is subjective and perfect doesn't exist. Get ready! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/is-good-enough-good-enough/  Thank you for listening! To support the work I do here at the Write Now podcast, you can become a patron on Patreon at  https://patreon.com/sarahrheawerner, or send me a tip on Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/sarahwerner. Happy writing! — Sarah

Is "Good Enough" Good Enough? - WN 164

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