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Pull the Thread
Pull the Thread

Pull the Thread

Welcome to series 3, episode 14, where we’re talking about all things reproductive and social justice. We start by discussing the potential impact if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, particularly the impact on Black women and women of Color, which leads nicely into breaking down what reproductive justice is, where the term originated (Sister Song) and how we can work for it collectively. We talk about the weight and expectation of activism and how doing the work can sometimes feel like an un-winnable war. We close by exploring how education is the best foundation for activism and that we need to remember we are part of a greater community that is working to uphold and expand the freedoms of ourselves and those around us. Every little bit of work we do helps to unravel the inequity around us. Just keep pulling the thread.- Please check out our "Feminism 101" suggested reading list here if you're at a loose end for a great read from a Feminist author.
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