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Liz & Jack on Passions wersus Practicality: Which Route Leads to Success?
Liz & Jack on Passions wersus Practicality: Which Route Leads to Success?

Liz & Jack on Passions wersus Practicality: Which Route Leads to Success?

Passions. Some people say follow your passions and you'll never work a day in your life. Do what you love and the money will follow. Is that true?  If we don't take the road less traveled, will we regret it, or be ever grateful to the parents who urged us to attend business school or find 'a real job'?Is it possible to follow a more traditional, pragmatic career path and either find passion there?  How important is having a career for an interest we have passion for, especially if we lack talent or said passion? Passions. What are they good for?Which route leads to success - and  happiness - following your passions or being pragmatic? Can those two things coexist?Jack and I will let you know as we discuss our own career paths, the advice we would give our younger selves and wax poetic about a little, old TV show called 'WKRP in Cincinnati'. Welcome to our world. Please share this episode with a friend, mention it on the socials and please subscribe.

Liz & Jack on Passions wersus Practicality: Which Route Leads to Success?

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