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I Hear You - Dr. Laura Janusik: How the Quality of Listening Determines the Quality of Relationship
I Hear You - Dr. Laura Janusik: How the Quality of Listening Determines the Quality of Relationship

I Hear You - Dr. Laura Janusik: How the Quality of Listening Determines the Quality of Relationship

You have two ears and one mouth, so you probably listen twice as much as you talk.Nah, not even close. Most of us, in fact, don't know how to listen. We've never really been taught. Can we learn  how to listen?Glad you asked. We have a listening expert, a PhD in Listening. Okay, she's a PhD in Communications.  Dr. Laura Janusik wasn't always a great listener. She thought she was smarter than whoever was talking, and uncomfortable with lulls in the conversation was a 'filler-inner." Like most of us. She got over it, though and so can we.Our conversation covers text and subtext, what respectful listening is and why you don't need to agree to just listen and understand.Laura Janusik one of the world’s leading experts in teaching and training listening is  a dynamic trainer, researcher, speaker, coach, and consultant, She uses her MBA and PhD in Communication to help coaches listen well, hear more, and change lives. Her approach to communication, both oral and written, is practical and other-centered. Past president of the International Listening Association, Laura is published both nationally and internationally. Her research and ideas are cited in Forbes, Harvard Business Review, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, and US News and World Report. Read more here. 

I Hear You - Dr. Laura Janusik: How the Quality of Listening Determines the Quality of Relationship

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