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State of Roe: Alabama
State of Roe: Alabama

State of Roe: Alabama

Cutting right to the chase, Alabama is an unsafe state. On June 24th of this year, Alabama effectively passed a total ban on abortion, with exceptions only being made to save a patient's life or protect their well-being (both of these being nebulously defined). One saving grace is that the state allows Alabamians to travel out of state to seek an abortion without the risk of facing prosecution. Please check out our list of in- and out-of-state resources below if you need any guidance. Resources: https://www.fallofroe.com/ (Fall of Roe Homepage) https://abortionfunds.org/ (Abortion Funds) https://www.yellowhammerfund.org/ (Yellowhammer Fund) https://alabortionclinic.com/ (West Alabama Women's Center) https://www.plancpills.org/ (Plan C) https://aidaccess.org/ (Aid Access) Seek abortion resources in nearby States on https://www.abortionfinder.org/ (AbortionFinder.org)

State of Roe: Alabama

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