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S3E30 - Can You See What’s Happening?
S3E30 - Can You See What’s Happening?

S3E30 - Can You See What’s Happening?

Can You See What’s Happening?In today’s thought-provoking episode, McKay ventures into the realm of understanding others as a catalyst for peace and compassion, echoing such timeless wisdom as that found in Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. The episode delves into the power of stepping into the perspectives of others, and introduces the transformative concept of "perspective-getting" through active listening and open communication. Dr. Stephen R. Covey's principle of seeking understanding before seeking to be understood serves as a guiding light, offering a roadmap to more profound and authentic connections. Employing real-world examples, McKay encourages listeners to embrace the art of active listening, fostering a world where genuine understanding is the cornerstone of lasting peace and profound relationships. As he notes, when we explore the power of empathy, we equip ourselves with the tools to navigate life's complexities with wisdom and generosity, ensuring a brighter and more interconnected world for all. In this enlightening journey, listeners are guided to transcend tunnel vision, a common human tendency, by exploring global events that often escape our awareness due to our fixation on a single focal point. Join McKay here today and discover the importance of seeing through another person's eyes - a skill that can enhance relationships, leadership abilities, and overall life experiences. Episode Highlights:Understanding different perspectivesGaining true insightEmbracing "perspective-getting" Seeking to understand others before seeking to be understoodExploring the complexities of longstanding conflictsActive listening The transformative power of forgivenessThe dangers of tunnel visionQuotes:"We have blind spots in our life. We sometimes don't see what's happening around us in our own lives.""It's a true gift to be able to see life from another person's view.""Seeing both sides of the pancake is a skill you can cultivate, just like flipping a pancake.""When you know where the other person is coming from, that knowledge is power.""Fifty percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it. But you can't get there until you flip the pancake.""If, out of reading this book, you get just one thing—an increased tendency to think always in terms of other people's point of view, and see things from their angle—it may easily prove to be one of the building blocks of your life and career.""Understanding each other could be solved and achieved by genuinely understanding each other. Covey believes that you can influence others by developing first a deep understanding of their needs and perspectives.""The ability to hear is a gift, but the willingness to listen is a choice.""Everything is a choice. This is life's greatest truth and its hardest lesson. Perhaps it is a great truth because it reminds me of our power. Not power over others, but power to be ourselves and to choose our path and how we will respond."Links:https://www.mckaychristensen.org/

S3E30 - Can You See What’s Happening?

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