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Attacks on the Concept of Settler Colonialism Are About Undermining Solidarity
Attacks on the Concept of Settler Colonialism Are About Undermining Solidarity

Attacks on the Concept of Settler Colonialism Are About Undermining Solidarity

“Surviving settler colonialism isn't just about surviving its material realities, it's also about surviving how settler colonialism requires destroying cultures, and languages, and sensibilities, and values, and ways of being in the world,” says scholar and activist Nadine Naber. In this episode, Naber and host Kelly Hayes discuss the connections between the struggle for Palestinian liberation and U.S. movements against police and prisons, the history of Palestinian and Arab organizing in the U.S., and why attacks on the analytical framework of settler colonialism are about undermining solidarity. Music: Son Monarcas & Isobel O’Connor You can find a transcript and show notes (including links to resources) here: bit.ly/movementmemos If you would like to support the show, you can donate here: bit.ly/TODonate If you would like to receive Truthout's newsletter, please sign up: bit.ly/TOnewsletter

Attacks on the Concept of Settler Colonialism Are About Undermining Solidarity

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