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How Productivity Turned Toxic and The Age of Distraction with Gail Baral
How Productivity Turned Toxic and The Age of Distraction with Gail Baral

How Productivity Turned Toxic and The Age of Distraction with Gail Baral

Let's face it, there are a thousand distractions we run into every day as we try to get our work done. Some of those distractions are unavoidable, others are self-sabotage, like scrolling on your phone when you're in the middle of a project. Our guest this week is Gail Baral, a business strategist, mindset coach, spiritual guide, and the founder of The Productivity Space. Through her experience and strategies, Gail helps people double, triple, or even quadruple their productivity. She shares tips on how to fight distractionsGal shows us why it's important to reframe the way we think about our tasks and responsibilities.If you've ever found yourself wondering where your time went Why we don't look forward to doing the things we're great at.Check out Gail's website here: www.theproductivityspace.com See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

How Productivity Turned Toxic and The Age of Distraction with Gail Baral

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