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Reframing Competition and Collaborative Success
Reframing Competition and Collaborative Success

Reframing Competition and Collaborative Success

What if competition, typically viewed as a negative force, could be reframed as a catalyst for collaboration and growth? The friends - Chris and Mikelah are back and we're discussing how a healthy competitive spirit can be the key to fostering collective advancement and empowering one another.In our discussion, we try to define competition and explore whether competition is considered "bad mind" and jealously. We champion the idea of appreciating collaboration, working together, and celebrating collective success rather than fostering an unproductive "me versus you" mindset. We delve into our personal journeys, sharing how we overcame the challenges of negative collaborations and learned to trust our instincts. We invite you to join us as we explore these dynamics, emphasizing the necessity of a collaborative mindset and shedding light on how to thrive amidst competition. Stay connected with us on social media for more enriching discussions - we promise this is one conversation you won't want to miss!Connect with Chris & Mikelah on InstagramSupport the showConnect with @carryonfriends - Instagram | Facebook | YouTube A Breadfruit Media Production

Reframing Competition and Collaborative Success

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