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257. These 5 Unintentional Mistakes Give Away Your Power at Work
257. These 5 Unintentional Mistakes Give Away Your Power at Work

257. These 5 Unintentional Mistakes Give Away Your Power at Work

Your ability to get things done in the workplace plays an important role in your career advancement. Even as you grow your career and build your power at work, you may unconsciously do things that diminish your influence and authority. These missteps can include shying away from advocating for yourself, allowing a situation or person to influence your feelings, and putting other people’s priorities before your own. I learned the hard way in my career what it means to unintentionally give away your power and now I coach clients how to navigate these situations with strength and grace. The good news is that you can regain your power—and the first step is understanding how you may be negatively affecting your own success. This episode share five things you may be doing that unintentionally give away your power at work and how to get it back. This episode is based on an original piece I wrote for Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/90979534/these-5-unintentional-mistakes-sabotage-your-power-at-work

257. These 5 Unintentional Mistakes Give Away Your Power at Work

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